If there is none currently, do you have a formal answer as to your future intentions with it?
Totara Learn Open Discussions
What is Totaras current level of xAPI / TinCan support?
Hi John,
From our v10 helpsite:
'Using xAPI with Totara
It is possible to add plugins to Totara so that you can use any xAPI/ Tin Can compliant content you have in a course. This content could be available via an URL or as a package in a zip file, it can then be both integrated into the course and have any actions taken in the activity recorded in an external Learning Record Store (LRS). To achieve this you would also need to add a logstore plugin to Totara that works with an external LRS. Below we will explore how to do both of these things'.
We have some further documentation here which might be useful. Let me know if you have any further queries.
Thank you George, was there a specific version of Totara where you took this stance on xAPI ? I noticed changing the URL path to the version 9 help site netted the same information.
As we are currently on 9.2, would this same information apply to us now?
Hi John,
It should do - I'd recommend upgrading to the latest 9 as a matter of course for the bug fixes and security upgrades.
Its worth reading here about the problems one user had with version 2 of the plugin on a Moodle 3.3.x system, he says it 'will "Müller" your system and require a fair degree of backend work to correct the problem'.
Its a third party plugin, we do not support it.