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Appraisal - Manage Feedback - Content - Question text length > 255

anuchit veerasiriyanon
Appraisal - Manage Feedback - Content - Question text length > 255
על ידי anuchit veerasiriyanon בתאריך 14/02/2018, 04:38
קבוצה Partners

Hi everyone,

Please help to advise on how to increase Question text lenght of Appraisal 360 Feedback which cap at 255 characters.

If increase to 500 around, is there any precaution to be aware.

Many Thanks,


Craig Eves
Re: Appraisal - Manage Feedback - Content - Question text length > 255
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 21/02/2018, 16:46
קבוצה Totara

Hi Anuchit

It is possible to add a long text box that increases the amount of characters possible to input.

There is a problem below that can occur if using MySQL there are the following restrictions on field sizes. 

The Barracuda format is required for using some of the Advanced Features in Totara.

We recommend all sites running their MySQL database using Antelope convert to Barracuda.
The Antelope format has a limitation of 10 text columns per table, and only supports compact and redundant row formats for backward compatibility reasons.
If you are using any of the following features then you may experience Database errors should the information require a table structure with more than 10 text columns:
  • Course/Activity backup and restore. Creates tables to facilitate the restoration based upon the content of the backup.
  • Appraisals. Creates tables for appraisals, the number and type of questions may lead to more than 10 text columns being required.
  • Feedback 360. Same requirements as appraisals.
If you are running Antelope and hit the restrictions imposed by it you will receive a DML Exception from Totara.


anuchit veerasiriyanon
Re: Appraisal - Manage Feedback - Content - Question text length > 255
על ידי anuchit veerasiriyanon בתאריך 21/02/2018, 19:43
קבוצה Partners
Hi Craig,

Many Thanks for your explanation and help.

I decide to find other method to fulfill this long text requirement to avoid any future issue.

best regards,
