Suggest Totara Learn features

TL-10325 - Alerts and tasks digests

Tom Ireland
TL-10325 - Alerts and tasks digests
by Tom Ireland - Tuesday, 30 August 2016, 9:00 AM
Group Totara


Have an option (similar to forum notifications) that allows users to choose to receive an alerts and / or tasks digest at a specified time e.g. daily, weekly, etc.

For site administrators it would be useful to be able to control digest options for users site-wide, or for specific users e.g. via bulk user actions.


Talking about staff managers specifically, in some cases many may receive multiple email notifications related to their direct reports' learning e.g. certification assignment, face-to-face signups, face-to-face approval requests etc., and would like to be able to control the frequency of those notifications, particularly those that are more informational e.g. alerts, by way of a digest.

Jani Lemmetyinen
Re: TL-10325 - Alerts and tasks digests
by Jani Lemmetyinen - Tuesday, 30 August 2016, 10:26 PM


Definitely +1 for this feature, it would be very useful!
