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TL-4183 Tracking Professional development (PD) hours

Simon Coggins
TL-4183 Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Simon Coggins - Tuesday, 16 July 2013, 5:43 PM
Group Totara

There has been some discussion amongst partners of adding a system for tracking hours spent into Totara. Since this is likely of interest to subscribers I'm moving the discussion here. Below is the discussion that has taken place so far. Apologies that some of the formatting (threading) has been lost:

Picture of Peter Bulmer
Professional Development record
by Peter Bulmer - Monday, 15 July 2013, 12:30 PM

As discussed with Simon & others on Friday, I have a client who is interested in using Totara to track Professional Development (PD) hours.

In this client's industry (Legal), employees are expected to engage in a certain number of professional devlopment hours, and need to keep a track of what they do with these hours.

I envisage 3 initial ways in which PD hours could be input, along with an admin config to enable each method (defaulting to disabled), and one initial place the information should be output.


I expect to store the PD records in a table recording:

userid, hours, credittype, typeinstanceid, timecreated, enteredby(userid)

Credit-type would initially be COURSE, or MODULE, or EVIDENCE,

Typeinstanceid would be the id of the course, or cm, or evidence item.



If the UseCoursePD setting is enabled, and 10 hours is recorded against a course, when a user completes that course, 10 hours of PD is recorded against their userid, with credit type indicating that it was a course completion which generated the PD hours, and the id of the course in the typeinstanceid.

If the UseModulePD setting is enabled, and 1 hour is confured in a facetoface activity, when users are marked as present in a f2f session, 1 hour will be recorded against their userid, with credit type indicating that it was a coursemodule action that generated the PD hours, and the coursemoduled id will be stored in the typeinstance id. In this instance it may be relevant to record the userid of the user who recorded them as present in the enteredby column. Depending on this clients needs, I might end up customising the attendance module to take attendance at PD meetings, rather that require the admin to set up a session ahead of each meeting in a facetoface activity.

If the UseEvidencePD setting is enabled, when a user uploads "Other evidence" under record of learning, they will be given the option of claiming PD credit associated with the other evidence.  Where they do this a row will be entered indicating that uploaded evidence resulted in the PD credit, and the id of the evidence will be recorded in the typeinstanceid. The user's own userid will be recorded in the entered by coulmn.


I can see potental for a number of other items generating PD records (although usually only one or two will be needed in each totara). Program completion might make more sense for generating pd for some clients. Or learning plan completion, or manual entry by manager.


For output my client needs to see pd hours against courses when viewing a user's learning plan. When one or more of the three config settings above are enabled, A value would be displayed indicating the sum of PD hours from course completion, module entries from that course, and evidence entries attached to that course in the Learning plan.


I can imagine lots of different options around displaying recorded PD hours.  Our client has their employees create a new learning plan each year. These new plans would have new courses in them each year, and they will track PD that way.  Others may need to see PD credits over time for a particular user, others may need to see how much PD their team have per person that is current ( current may be two years, calenday year, budget year, quarter, 365 days, etc etc.)

Having thought about this enhancement a bit, I think it will be a valuable addition, not only for lawyers, but also nurses, maybe doctors, engineers?

If this gets the offical "We're interested in this for core" stamp from the Totara team, and the client maintains interest, I'll shortly be working on a quick spec.

The key point for me is that this is a simple place to store useful information, it won't get in the way unless admin settings are enabled, and it's got a very flexible core which could be extended in lots of different ways by new inputs & new views.

Keen to hear people's thoughts.


Picture of Tim Newham
Re: Professional Development record
by Tim Newham - Monday, 15 July 2013, 08:39 PM

Peter, firstly a +1 from me. I have 2 potential legal clients, both of whom are putting off signing up for Totara until some integrated CPD tracking is in place. They don't have any development cash, I'm afraid, but could be useful for requirements gathering/testing if we need them.

Everything else is a subtlety but:

1) We've been playing with the Mahara CPD plugin. Given the approaching Totara Social platform, it might be keeping one eye on how to integrate data from that, for orgs that are using both tools?

2) Some professions tell me that they want to record more hours than are actually in the face to face course. e.g. the F2F course might be 4 hours but imply 2 hours of pre-work, 2 hours of reflection, total 8 hours. This might be where reflective logs and CPD in Mahara come in, but could it also be worth considering having a "CPD hours" field against F2F that is distinct from "duration"?

Best wishes,


Picture of Andy Kirk (Totara)
Re: Professional Development record
by Andy Kirk (Totara) - Monday, 15 July 2013, 09:20 PM

Hi Peter,

I know this would be welcome for the French market where there is an obligation from employers of a certain size (49+) to provide CPD for their employees and to be able to track and report on those hours and costs.

"The Individual Right to Training (DIF) enables all employees to accumulate a "credit" of hours of training of up to 20 hours per year, with up to 120 hours cumulable over six years."

A customer has asked about this previously

There are some old discussions on the subject of tracking CPD that I have seen at: and

so I think there is a general demand/interest in the community.



Picture of Peter Bulmer
Re: Professional Development record
by Peter Bulmer - Tuesday, 16 July 2013, 08:51 AM
Group Partners

Hi Andy,

The french DIF (employee initiated training entitlement) content is interesting. Certainly it's closely related, but I can't imagine a situation where all PD is DIF.  There is difficulty in tracking who initiated the training.

Since this is "outside work hours", and "facilitated by the employer", I assum that the employee is not paid for the training time, but the employer pays the course costs?

Maybe this could be covered by a DIF learning plan, proposed by the employee, approved by the manager, generates enrolments in courses & either records PD with a 'DIF' flag set, or records DIF hours somewhere else altogether. 

Sadly, this sounds like it's deep into 'not in this phase' territory.


I am particularly keen to know if there is anything more in the way of common business requirements that can't be met by the data I'm proposing to store - all the scenarios that I imagine "must accumulate X hours each year", or "must maintain Y hours over 3 latest calendar years" are covered.  I don't _think_ there's anything I'm not thinking of...

Picture of Peter Bulmer
Re: Professional Development record
by Peter Bulmer - Tuesday, 16 July 2013, 08:28 AM
Group Partners

Thanks Tim,

I'll find a Mahara person & ask what they know about the Mahara CPD plugin.

re separate CPD hours field from f2f duration: that's a fair point.  I hadn't thought of re-using duration, but if I had, I hope I would have discarded that thought for the reasons you point out.


Picture of Simon Coggins (Totara Software Architect)
Re: Professional Development record
by Simon Coggins (Totara Software Architect) - Tuesday, 16 July 2013, 11:40 AM

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the description and for offering this functionality for core. Based on the responses above it sounds like there's plenty of demand for this kind of thing so we're definitely interested in this for core.

If you are able to keep this forum post updated once you've got further with the specification work we can re-review the proposal as required.

What is your timeline for finishing the development?


Picture of Peter Bulmer
Re: Professional Development record
by Peter Bulmer - Tuesday, 16 July 2013, 12:21 PM

Timeline for finishing development is _far_ from certain.

The latest I have from the client (via Kristina) is that they might want to wait on signing off on their requirements until they have met with another of our clients who is a big organisation and has been running Totara for a while. This meeting is scheduled for early August. This other client has some requirements around PD tracking too.

Anyway, I think they're looking for advice from someone who has been there/done that before proceeding.

As it stands, I see the milestones as:

  • Client confirms their requirements
  • we create more in the way of a spec
  • and give them a quote
  • they approve the quote (hopefully)
  • we schedule / do the development

A lot up in the air in that little list of bulletpoints I think you'll agree.


(Edited by Thomas Wood - original submission Wednesday, 17 July 2013, 12:43 PM)

(Edited by Tom Wood - original submission Wednesday, 18 February 2015, 12:23 AM)

Chad Outten
Re: Tracking Professional Development (PD) hours in Totara
by Chad Outten - Tuesday, 16 July 2013, 6:21 PM

+1. There's a requirement to track/report CPD hours across various industries - this would be a welcome feature in core.

Austen Sinclair
Re: Tracking Professional Development (PD) hours in Totara
by Austen Sinclair - Tuesday, 16 July 2013, 8:16 PM
Group PartnersGroup TXP Site Administrator

Also a +1 for us.


We have an upcoming need to record CPD for lawyers in NZ (softly starting in October and effective from 1 April 2014).  We're really excited by this as the requirements sit well within our business personal development model and in part already reflected in our Totara LMS usage.


For the NZ lawyers CPD means; having an annual development plan (tick), learning objectives (tick), reflections on the development (newish), future learning needs (newish), and an export to a pre-formatted document (tick).


Missing is the hours and for lawyers it appears they can type in a value that could be different from value set at a course page (or extracted from the F2F duration field).  As tax administration agency are we unaccustomed to such data being variable! My sense is we'll stick with a formal 'CPD hours' value passed from the course page with an additional field in the LMS Plan view that allows 'reflection' hours to also be added.


The reflections text and future needs is exciting as we see this as part of the Level 1 evaluation process.  Where a staff member completes a course and our compulsory L1 appears - which then includes extra questions for legal folk to add this text to populate this part of their CPD plan.

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Tuesday, 17 June 2014, 4:50 PM
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Craig Eves
Re: Tracking Professional Development (PD) hours in Totara
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 17 June 2014, 5:34 PM
Group Totara

A further thought once the hours are able to be recorded is to be able to use these hours as a badge award criteria.

This would mean the CPD record is not tied to Totara and verifiable.

There also seems to be a CPD addon that has been developed that may be useful



Simon Coggins
Re: Tracking Professional Development (PD) hours in Totara
by Simon Coggins - Tuesday, 17 June 2014, 5:47 PM
Group Totara

Hi Mariya,

As far as I'm aware this hasn't been implemented yet although Peter might chime in if there has been any progress.

In principle we are keen on including this in core but of course the implementation would need to be flexible enough and meet Totara's coding guidelines. The attached guide is the best starting point for code contributions as it explains the process and steps involved.




Peter Bulmer
Re: Tracking Professional Development (PD) hours in Totara
by Peter Bulmer - Tuesday, 17 June 2014, 6:45 PM
Group Partners

Apologies for not updating here - I thought I had.

Client lost interest, I think they planned on using a low-tech solution to keep the budget down.



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Tom Wood
11595- Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Tom Wood - Tuesday, 17 February 2015, 3:24 AM
Group Totara

This feature / enhancement request (tracked under enhancement ID 11595) has been deemed high priority and is under consideration for development by Totara core.

This does not indicate a delivery commitment.  Development of the functionality is subject to further prioritization and resource availability.

Development priorities are reviewed regularly.  If you wish to escalate your market need for this functionality, please contact your Totara Channel Partner Manager.

Totara Product Support

? ?
Re: 11595- Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by ? ? - Monday, 2 March 2015, 5:33 PM

+1 from us, we are often asked about CPD tracking and reporting capabilities in Totara LMS. 

I know Androgogic have developed a Custom CPD plugin and block to fill this gap in Totara Core Functionality.

Alexander Roche
Re: 11595- Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Alexander Roche - Monday, 2 March 2015, 6:24 PM
Group Partners

Yes we have developed a sophisticated CPD plugin with the ability to set targets by Org and Position and down to a Knowledge area level. We have CPD and CPD target reports and a dashboard showing the user's progress as a bar chart against their targets. They can load external records and course authors can also set CPD points against internal Totara courses down to a Knoweledge Area level. The external records can be optionally routed through a workflow for approval by the user's manager or an admin.

I have attached a screenshot.

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Ryan O'Malley
Re: 11595- Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Ryan O'Malley - Monday, 27 April 2015, 1:43 AM

My suggestion would be to enhance Evidence to allow capture of CPD, including:

  • Allowing creation of custom evidence fields/forms to provide users greater flexibility when manually uploading CPD
  • Developing a standard method of attaching CPD units (credits/points/hours/custom) to course and activity completions
  • Building functionality to automatically create evidence when completion events are triggered
  • Letting users/managers/admins define time-bound CPD targets per user/pos/org (even if for information only)
  • Developing a report source to display accrued CPD units against targets



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Ray Lawrence
Re: TL-4183 Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Ray Lawrence - Tuesday, 1 November 2016, 6:56 AM
Group Partners


The Numeric field addition wold give us some options on this with minimal development effort.

? ?
Re: TL-4183 Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by ? ? - Thursday, 16 March 2017, 6:41 PM


Is there any update on this feature request?

We're trying to figure out how we will be able to track the training hours spent by users per course.

On this case, it could be treated similarly to this feature request. 



Vaida Holohan
Re: TL-4183 Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Vaida Holohan - Tuesday, 30 May 2017, 3:56 AM
Group 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)Group PartnersGroup TXP Site Administrator

+1 from me on this too, this would be a very handy feature to have

Greg Brown
Re: TL-4183 Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Greg Brown - Thursday, 16 May 2019, 12:23 PM

Does anyone know if there have been any updates in getting a CPD tracking functionality to work in Totara? I'm in charge of creating an LMS for an accounting firm, and would love to use a fully-featured LMS like Moodle or Totara, but also have the CPE-tracking functionality that proprietary LMSes like LCVista or Saba offer.

Plugins are welcome as well, if anyone has a suggestion or guidance as to how they've set their LMS up. Thanks!

Alex Carrick
Re: TL-4183 Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Alex Carrick - Thursday, 16 May 2019, 1:16 PM
Group Partners

I've got a core-work around that I've been using:

  • Create a course custom field with your CE credit values
  • Create a program/certification
  • 1 Course Set
    •  Learner must complete SOME courses
    • Course Score field = your CE credit custom field
    • Minimum score = your CE credit minimum/goal
  • Users can be assigned the Program/Certification with the correct due date
  • Use the Program completion report/block to keep user informed of progress
Greg Brown
Re: TL-4183 Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Greg Brown - Thursday, 16 May 2019, 1:49 PM
Awesome, thanks Alex! I'll give this a try . . . But no good deed goes unpunished, so expect that I'll have more questions for you. :-)

Thanks again.

Neil Hellewell
Re: TL-4183 Tracking Professional development (PD) hours
by Neil Hellewell - Thursday, 16 May 2019, 1:53 PM
The South Island Health system continues to support this request. Currently we just have a custom course field that displays CPD hours in the record of learning, however it would be very helpful to be able to allocate CPD hours on the completion of activities as well - and the ability to count the total overall hours in the record of learning.