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TL-12592 - Decline Seminar booking via email

Craig Eves
Re: TL-12592 - Decline Seminar booking via email
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 29 October 2023, 1:57 PM
Group Totara

Hi Zehra

There is a product roadmap available to partners - this describes the areas that will be targeted in future releases rather than individual feature requests. Seminars is not one of the targeted areas.

Seminar notifications have improved with centralsied notifications . There is a setting in seminar global settings to disable iCalendar cancellations that can be ticked if there is a problem.

The problem is the iCal 'standard' is not followed by some email clients such as Outlook so it is hard for Totara to ensure the third party software works as expected . We have tried to tweak the email content to make this more compatible but this is still not fully compatible in all areas for all email clients.
