Totara Learn Open Discussions

Totara 9, HR import for seminar

Joan Perez
Totara 9, HR import for seminar
par Joan Perez, Friday 8 September 2017, 07:41
Groupe Partners

Is it possible to add users to a seminar session via HR import?

I have tried with something similar to:

idnumber timemodified username deleted firstname lastname email city country course1 type1 enrolstatus1
158 158 Aaaaaaaa Mmmmmm course 2 1

and as you can see on my log, everything works fine in theory, but I don't get the adding to the seminar

Am I missing something? I need some help!


Joan Perez
Re: Totara 9, HR import for seminar
par Joan Perez, Tuesday 12 September 2017, 01:59
Groupe Partners

Sorry, guys. Maybe my initial approach was wrong. After some research, I've enabled the FLAT CSV plugin through Plugins > Enrolment, which looks good. 

However, I have not found the way to launch the bulk enrolment process. Is there any public domain information about it? I'd like to know if I can manually launch the process or it is executed automatically from time to time.


Re: Totara 9, HR import for seminar
par George Angus, Wednesday 13 September 2017, 20:46
Groupe Totara

Hi Joan,

You can't upload user directly into Seminars at present. I think the problem here is there can be multiple sessions in a course, and multiple dates and times in a session. I think also there would have to be all sorts of checks against double-booking and allowing multiple bookings. 

I think its possible and I could submit a feature request.



PS this is the Totara Social Forums.