Totara Talent Experience Platform Release Notes

Totara 1.0.9 Released 3rd May 2011

Simon Coggins
Totara 1.0.9 Released 3rd May 2011
par Simon Coggins, Friday 13 June 2014, 13:06
Groupe Totara

Here's the changelog:

Release 1.0.9 (3 May 2011):

8075 Include competencies not attached to a Learning Plan in Record of Learning
8069 Display completion details for a course even if the user is no longer enrolled Fixes issues when viewing an RPL's completion status
8069 Display completion details for course's without criteria Fixes issues when viewing an RPL's completion status
8019 Rename "Messages" tab in user profile to "Tasks/Alerts" Make distinction between Tasks/Alerts and Moodle messaging
8119 Set default sort of components list in Learning Plans to be by name
7893 Add message to Recent Learning block when no recent learning Show message instead of hiding block when empty
7970 Move course and category icons into the Standard theme Remove duplicate icons and use theme hierarchy
6399 Add emphasis to Learning Plan workflow types in selection form
7835 Correct word-break behaviour in dialogs in IE Stop breaking in the middle of words when line wrapping in dialogs
8186 Default to default proficiency value when adding evidence to a Competency Selector shows correct default value when adding competency evidence

Bug fixes:
8184 Course completion by date criteria would not let you select a date in the future
8191 Replace hardcoded references to "mdl_" with $CFG->prefix Fixes some cross-database issues
7589 Broken SQL statement in Learning Plans Prevented linked courses displaying on some databases
8138 Fix permissions check when auto adding items to Learning Plans Under some conditions the Learning Plans would throw an error on creation
8094 Completion status icon not appearing when viewing Course's details
8095 Do not link to a Learning Plan in a "Plan deleted" alert Link to the owner's Learning Plan index
8195 My Course Completions block using wrong ID for link to course status
5734 International characters display issue for RPLs
8175 Course Completion detail reports would display no status for some criteria
8172 Renaming column in Course Completion using a reserved word Fixes issues for some databases
8124 Add link to Learning Plan in "Plan completed" alerts
8190 Fix errors in Scheduled Reports cron job
8172 Fix hardcoded language strings in Course Completion This prevented the translated strings being used