Totara Talent Experience Platform Release Notes

Totara 2.2 Released 15th August 2012

Simon Coggins
Re: Totara 2.2 Released 15th August 2012
de Simon Coggins - Friday, 25 de September de 2015, 14:26
Grupo Totara

Here are some more detailed release notes for the 2.2 release:

Totara Administrator Release Notes

Changes between 1.1 and 2.2 of relevance to totara administrators and users.

Totara Specific Changes

  • Totara 2.2 has new server and browser requirements (notably PHP5.3 is required). See INSTALL.txt for details

  • The following plugins have been removed from Totara 2, but are still available as contrib plugins if required (as above):

    • mod/hotpot

    • local/oauth

  • The ‘guides’ block has been removed from Totara and is no longer available.

  • The 'devplan' enrolment plugin has been renamed to 'Learning Plan'.

  • A new 'program' enrolment plugin has been added to manage course enrolments via programs

  • The SCORM and Feedback modules will show up as "higher version already installed" this is fixed during the upgrade.

  • Course completion prerequisites have been renamed to dependencies

  • Themes will need to be rewritten. There is a new generic totara theme called 'standardtotara' which is a good theme to use as a base for customisations. There will also be a totara demo theme (not distributed) and a customisable theme (coming soon) that will be easy to customise colours/logo via theme settings page.

  • Totara role-specific dashboards have been removed in favour of “My Home”. All alerts/tasks now go to a single block on the My Home page, instead of separate blocks for learner/manager specific messages. All dashboard blocks have been migrated to My Home

  • totara_stats block will show manager stats only

  • The custommenu setting in 2.2 provides an optional fully configurable replacement for the standard totara menu.

  • Totara Task and alerts are now make use of “output” plugins. This allows you to configure how you receive certain messages.

  • My Reports tab is now only shown for users who have reports

  • The report builder “financial year” content restriction can now be configured to set when the financial year starts/ends

  • There is a new option to optionally prevent multiple simultaneous logins

Changes to the Moodle platform

See the Moodle release notes for 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 for full details:

The most significant changes are:

  • New file picker with repository support

  • Portfolio support

  • Improved block support, including docking to side panel

  • Support for multiple simultaneous enrolments

  • Improvements to site navigation, permissions interface and backup/restore

  • New question engine

  • My Mobile Theme

  • The following plugins have been removed from Moodle 2, therefore are also being removed from Totara 2. They are still available as contrib plugins if required. See for details. These blocks will show up as missing from disk when upgrading and will be removed from the database if the code is not put back prior to upgrading

  • The following plugins are new in Totara 2, because they have been added in Moodle 2

    • mod/folder

    • mod/imscp

    • mod/lti

    • blocks/blog_recent

    • blocks/community

    • blocks/course_overview

    • blocks/myprofile

    • blocks/navigation

    • blocks/private_files

    • blocks/settings

Totara Developer Release Notes

Changes between 1.1 and 2.2 of relevance to developers who have extended the Totara codebase.

Totara Specific Changes

  • Totara 2.2 has new server and browser requirements (notably PHP5.3 is required). See INSTALL.txt for details

  • All the “local” modules from 1.1 have been moved to a new “totara” module type, which frees up “local/” for your customisations to help avoid conflicts. Core code is now in totara/core/.

  • The 'devplan' enrolment plugin has been renamed to 'Learning Plan'.

  • A new 'program' enrolment plugin has been added to manage course enrolments via programs

  • The SCORM and Feedback modules will show up as "higher version already installed" this is fixed during the upgrade.

  • Course completion prerequisites have been renamed to dependencies

  • Themes will need to be rewritten. There is a new generic totara theme called 'standardtotara' which is a good theme to use as a parent for customisations. There will also be a totara demo theme (not distributed) and a customisable theme that will be easy to customise colours/logo via theme settings page.

  • An element library is now available to help theme developers. See: Site Admin > Appearance > Themes > Element Library

  • Totara Menu has been refactored, instead of using site URL to determine selected items, pages must set a $PAGE variable. Local customisations to menu will need to be re-written.

  • totara_set_notification() options argument changed from 'style' to 'class'

  • Report Headings and Guides code removed, database tables dropped. No longer part of Totara.

  • Totara role-specific dashboards have been removed in favour of My Moodle. All alerts/tasks now go to a single block on the My Moodle page, instead of separate blocks for learner/manager specific messages. All dashboard blocks have been migrated to My Moodle

  • Parameters for /user/positions.php have changed 'user' is now 'id' and 'courseid' is now 'course' to be more consistent with other pages.

  • JQuery and JQuery UI has been upgraded to the latest version

  • courseicons, programicons and msgicons have moved to totara/core/pix/, and can now be overridden by themes. Any icons added in your site will need to be moved to the new folders.

  • reportbuilder function lowerfirst() removed, use lcfirst() instead

  • Updated course_completion 'status' column and filter to use integers instead of hardcoded language strings.

  • The report builder filter submit/clear buttons are now inside a group instead of separate elements so the POST variable associated with them has changed from addfilter to submitgroup['addfilter']

  • The current_pos, current_org and completed_org report builder content restrictions have been modified to use the hierarchy item path instead of the hierarchy item id. Any custom report sources that use these content restrictions will need to be updated.

  • Some unused functions have been removed: totara_reset_frontpage_blocks(), totara_print_user_profile_field(), totara_page_class_hack(), totara_page_class and totara_dashboard_page_class, totara_local_footer_hook(), totara_reset_stickyblocks(), instance_is_dashlet(), get_dashlet_role(), backward-compatibile version of date_parse_from_format()

  • Recurring courses in programs now uses the course start date and recurrence period to calculate when the course will next recur (instead of the course end date which is not necessarily set).

  • Program completion criteria has been made optional instead of required. You can now assign users to a program with no completion date. They will not generate exceptions and no completion date will or extension options will appear.

  • Report builder filters have been significantly refactored. Custom report sources will need the following changes:

    • Change optional key from "selectoptions" to "attributes"

    • Change simpleselect type to select and add simplemode => true to options

    • Change datetime type to date and add includetime => true to options

    • Change pos/org/comp and posmulti/orgmulti/compmulti to hierarchy and hierarchy_multi type and add hierarchytype => 'pos' etc. to options

    • Add "selectchoices" and "attributes" to multicheck type options

Custom report builder filters (in the reportbuilder/filters/ directory) will need the following changes:

  • filter_type and filter_* classes renamed to rb_filter_*

  • rb_filter_* functions now take a single argument ($report) instead of three ($contentmode, $contentoptions, $reportid)

  • Remove require_once(filters/lib.php) - not required

  • convert constructor to __construct() and update call to parent

  • constructor and parent constructor now takes $type, $value, $advanced and $report arguments rather than $filter and $sessionname

  • Set any defaults for filteroptions for this type in constructor (see e.g filter_select)

  • Replace references to $this->_filter->label with $this->label;

  • Remove references to $sessionname. Filter settings are now stored in $SESSION->reportbuilder[$this->report->_id][$this->name]. Update code that sets default from session (e.g. filter_select)

  • Remove any additional [0] from defaults (no longer required)

  • Replace $this->_filter->get_field() with $this->field

  • In check_data, change references to array_key_exists($key, $formdata) to isset($formdata->$key)

  • Replace all references to $this->_name with $this->name

  • Report builder define_x functions are now declared as protected.

  • There is a new class totara_table that extends flexible table to provide integrated toolbars for administration tables

Changes to the Moodle platform

The 2.x series has resulted in major changes to almost every component. For full details see:

The major changes are to:

  • Database API

  • File API

  • Themes and renderers

  • Backup/restore

  • Plugins

  • Javascript includes

  • Enrolment