Totara Talent Experience Platform Release Notes

Security releases for Totara 9.2, 2.9.14, 2.7.22, 2.6.39, 2.5.46, 2.4.48, and 2.2.54 released 21st December 2016

Sam Hemelryk
Security releases for Totara 9.2, 2.9.14, 2.7.22, 2.6.39, 2.5.46, 2.4.48, and 2.2.54 released 21st December 2016
von Sam Hemelryk – Tuesday, 20 December 2016, 11:39 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hello everyone,

The following versions of Totara have now been released:

  • 9.2
  • 2.9.14
  • 2.7.22
  • 2.6.39
  • 2.5.46
  • 2.4.48
  • 2.2.54

These versions do contain security fixes and for this reason we strongly recommend upgrading.
Fixes from the latest stable Moodle releases (2.9.9, and 3.0.7) have also been included, please see the changelogs for more information on these.
Please note each release also includes bug fixes and improvements.

Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this release:

  • Pierre Guinoiseau from Catalyst NZ - TL-11164
  • Russell England at Kineo USA - TL-11239

Kind regards
Sam Hemelryk

Package information
SHA1 checksumSizePackage

Release 9.2 (21st December 2016):


    TL-11333        Fixes from Moodle 3.0.7 have been included in this release

                   Information on the issues included from this Moodle release can be found
                   further on in this changelog.

    TL-11369        Date related form elements exportValue() methods were fixed to return non array data by default

                   All custom code using MoodleQuickForm_date_time_selector::exportValue() or
                   \MoodleQuickForm_date_selector::exportValue() must be reviewed and fixed if

Security issues:

    TL-5254        Improved user verification within the Quick Links block
    TL-11133        Fixed Seminar activities allowing sign up even when restricted access conditions are not met
    TL-11194        Fixed get_users_by_capability() when prohibit permissions used
    TL-11335        MDL-56065: Fixed the update_users web service function
    TL-11336        MDL-53744: Fixed question file access checks
    TL-11338        MDL-56268: Format backtrace to avoid displaying private data within web services


    TL-7221        Added time selectors to Before and After date criteria in dynamic audience rules
    TL-10952        Links that should be styled as buttons now look like buttons in Basis & Roots themes
    TL-10971        Improved Feedback activity export formatting

                   The following improvements were made to the exported responses for feedback
                   * Newlines in Long Text responses are no longer replaced with the html
tag * The text wrap attribute is set for all response cells * Long text, Short text and Information responses are no longer exported in bold TL-11054 Only the available regions are shown when configuring a block's position on the current page Previously, when configuring blocks, all possible regions were shown when setting the region for a block on the current page. This setting now only has the options that exist on the page TL-11056 Added phpunit support for third party modules that use "coursecreator" role TL-11075 Improved inline help for Seminar's "Manager and Administrative approval" option TL-11117 Removed unused, redundant, legacy hierarchy code TL-11145 Newly created learning plans now include competencies from all of a user's job assignments TL-11261 Converted folder and arrow icon in file form control to flex icons TL-11273 Removed an unnecessary fieldset surrounding admin options TL-11289 Dropping a file onto the course while editing now has alternative text This also converts the image icon to a flex icon. Bug fixes: TL-4912 Fixed the missing archive completion option in course administration menu TL-7666 Images used in hierarchy custom fields are now displayed correctly when viewing or reporting on the hierarchy TL-9500 Fixed "View full report" link for embedded reports in the Report table block TL-9988 Fixed moving hierarchy custom fields when multiple frameworks and custom fields exist TL-10054 Ensured that the display of file custom fields in hierarchies link to the file to download TL-10101 Removed unnecessary permission checks when accessing hierarchies TL-10744 Fixed footer navigation column stacking in the Roots and Basis themes TL-10915 Ensured that courses are displayed correctly within the Current Learning block when added via a Certification TL-10953 Fixed Learning Plans using the wrong program due date Previously, given some unlikely circumstances, when viewing a program in a learning plan, it was possible that the program due date could have been displaying the due date for one of the course sets instead. TL-11000 When calculating the Aggregate rating for appraisal questions, not answered questions and zero values may now be included in aggregate calculations Two new settings have been added to Aggregate rating questions within Appraisals. These can be used in new aggregate rating questions to indicate how the system must handle unanswered questions, as well as questions resulting in a zero score during the calculations. TL-11063 Fixed a PHP error in the quiz results statistics processing when a multiple choice answer has been deleted TL-11072 Administrative approver can do final approval of seminar bookings in two stage approvals prior to manager TL-11076 Fixed the display of the attendee name for Seminar approval requests in the Task/Alert report TL-11110 Added validation warning when creating management loops in job assignments Previously, if you tried to assign a manger which would result in a circular management structure, it would fail and show an error message. Now it shows a validation warning explaining the problem. TL-11124 Treeview controls in dialogs now display correctly in RTL languages TL-11126 Fixed HR Import data validation being skipped in some circumstances If the source was an external database, and the first record in the import contained a null, then the data validation checks on that column were being skipped. This has been fixed, and the data validation checks are now fully covered by automated tests. TL-11129 Fixed url parameters not being added in pagination for the enrolled audience search dialog TL-11130 Fixed how backup and restore encodes and decodes links in all modules TL-11137 Courses, programs and certifications will always show in the Record of Learning if the user has made progress or completed the item The record of learning is intended to list what the user has achieved. Previously, if a user had completed an item of learning, this may sometimes have been excluded due to visibility settings (although not in all cases with standard visibility). The effect of audience visibility settings and available to/from dates have been made consistent with that of standard visibility. The following are now show on their applicable Record of Learning embedded reports, regardless of enrolment status and current visibility of the item elsewhere. Courses: Any course where a user's status is greater than 'Not yet started'. This includes 'In-progress' and 'Complete'. Programs: Any program where the user's status is greater than 'Incomplete'. In existing Totara code, this will only be complete programs. This applies to the status of the program only and does not take into account program course sets. If just a course set were complete, and not the program, the program would not show on the Record of Learning if it should not otherwise be visible. Certifications: Any certification where the user's status is greater than 'Newly assigned'. This includes 'In-progress', 'Certified' and 'Expired'. TL-11139 Fixed report builder access permissions for the authenticated user role The authenticated user role was missed out when a report's access restriction was "user role in any context" - even if this role was ticked on the form. The fix now accounts for the authenticated user. TL-11148 Fixed suspended course enrolments not reactivating during user program reassignment TL-11191 Ensured the calendar block controls are displayed correctly in RTL languages TL-11200 Fixed the program enrolment plugin which was not working for certifications when programs had been disabled TL-11203 Allowed access to courses via completed programs consistently Previously if a user was complete with a due date they could not access any courses added to the program after completion, but users without a due date could access the new courses. Now any user with a valid program assignment can access the courses regardless of their completion state. TL-11208 Fixed unnecessary comma appearing after user's name in Seminar attendee picker When only "ID Number" is selected in the showuseridentity setting and a user does not have an ID number an extra comma was displayed after the user's name in the user picker when adding / removing Seminar attendees. TL-11209 Fixed errors in some reports when using report caching and audience visibility TL-11213 Fixed undefined index warnings while updating a Seminar event without dates TL-11216 Fixed incorrect use of userid when logging a program view from required learning TL-11217 Flex icons now use the title attribute correctly TL-11237 Deleting unconfirmed users no longer deletes the user record Previously when unconfirmed users were deleted by cron the user record was deleted from the database immediately after the standard deletion routines were run. Because it is possible to include unconfirmed users in dynamic audiences they could end up with traces in the database which may not be cleaned up by the standard deletion routines. The deletion of the user record would then lead to these traces becoming orphaned. This behaviour has been changed to ensure that the user record is never deleted from the database, and that user deletion always equates to the user record being marked as deleted instead. TL-11239 Fixed type handling within the role_assign_bulk function leading to users not being assigned in some situations TL-11246 Added default sort order of attendees on the Seminar sign-in sheet The sort order was the order in which the attendees was added. This patch adds a default sort order to the embedded report so that users are listed in alphabetical order. Note: for existing sites the sign-in sheet embedded report will need to be reset on the manage reports page (doing this will reset any customisations to this report) TL-11263 Loosened cleaning on Program and Certification summary field making it consistent with course summary TL-11272 Fixed inaccessible files when viewing locked appraisal questions TL-11309 HR Import now converts mixed case usernames to lower case Now when you import a username with mixed case you will receive a warning, the username will be converted to lower case and the user will be imported. This patch brings the behaviour in Totara 9 in line with Totara 2.9. TL-11329 Fixed program course sets being marked complete due to ignoring "Minimum score" When a program or certification course set was set to "Some courses" and "0", the "Minimum score" was being ignored. Even if a "Minimum score" was set and was not reached, the course set was being marked complete. Now, if a "Minimum score" is set, users will be required to reach that score before the course set is marked complete, in combination with completing the required number of courses. If your site has a program or certification configured in this way, and you find users who have been incorrectly marked complete, you can use the program or certification completion editor to change the records back to "Incomplete" or "Certified, window is open". You should then wait for the "Program completions" scheduled task (runs daily by default) to calculate which stage of the program the user should be at. TL-11331 Fixed HTML and multi language support for general and embedded reports TL-11341 Fixed report builder filter display issue in chrome 55 Previously there was a CSS statement adding a float to a legend which appears to be ignored by most browsers. With the release of chrome 55, this style was being interpreted. TL-12244 Fixed 'Allow extension request' setting not being saved when adding programs and certifications TL-12246 Fixed MSSQL query for Course Completion Archive page TL-12248 Fixed layout of Totara forms when using RTL languages API changes: TL-8423 Changed course completion to only trigger processing of related programs Previously, course completion caused completion of all of a user's programs and certifications to be re-processed. Now, only programs which contain that course are processed. TL-11225 \totara_form\model::get_current_data(null) now returns all current form data Miscellaneous Moodle fixes: TL-11337 MDL-51347: View notes capability is now checked using the course context TL-11339 MDL-55777: We now check libcurl version during installation TL-11342 MDL-55632: Tidy up forum post messages TL-11343 MDL-55820: Use correct displayattempt default options in SCORM settings TL-11344 MDL-55610: Improved cache clearing TL-11345 MDL-42041: Added "Turn Editing On" to page body to Book module TL-11346 MDL-55874: Fixed html markup in participation report TL-11347 MDL-55862: The database module now uses the correct name function for display TL-11348 MDL-55505: Fixed editing of previous attempt in Assignment module TL-11349 MDL-53893: Fixed awarding of badges with the same criteria TL-11351 MDL-55654: Added multilang support for custom profile field names and categories TL-11352 MDL-55626: Added desktop-first-column to legacy themes TL-11353 MDL-29332: Fixed unique index issue in calculated questions when using MySQL with case insensitive collation TL-11358 MDL-55957: Fixed the embedded files serving in Workshop module TL-11359 MDL-55987: Prevent some memory related problems when updating final grades in gradebook TL-11360 MDL-55988: Prevent autocomplete elements triggering warning on form submission TL-11361 MDL-55602: Added redis session handler with locking support TL-11362 MDL-56019: Fixed text formatting issue in web services TL-11363 MDL-55776: Fixed group related performance regression TL-11364 MDL-55876: Invalid low level front page course updates are now prevented TL-11368 MDL-55911: Improved Quiz module accessibility TL-11371 MDL-56069: Fixed scrolling to questions in Quiz module TL-11372 MDL-56136: Improved error handling of file operations during restore TL-11373 MDL-56181: Updated short country names TL-11374 MDL-56127: Fixed a regression in form element dependencies TL-11376 MDL-55861: Fixed displaying of activity names during drag & drop operations TL-11379 MDL-52317: Fixed visual issues when inserting oversized images TL-11384 MDL-55597: Fixed support for templates in subdirectories TL-11385 MDL-51633: Restyled ADD BLOCK to remove max-width in legacy themes TL-11386 MDL-51584: Improved performance when re-grading TL-11387 MDL-56319: Fixed the handling of default blocks when an empty string is used to specify there should be no default blocks TL-11388 MDL-52051: Correct code that relies on the expires_in optional setting within OAuth TL-11389 MDL-56050: Fixed missing context warning on the maintenance page TL-11390 MDL-36611: Fixed missing context warning when editing outcomes TL-11392 MDL-51401: Improved the ordering of roles on the enrolled users screen TL-11393 MDL-55345: Fixed links to IP lookup in user profiles TL-11394 MDL-56062: Standardised display of grade decimals in Assignment module TL-11395 MDL-56345: Fixed alt text for PDF editing in Assignment module TL-11396 MDL-56439: Added missing include in course format code TL-11397 MDL-56328: Improved activity indentation on the course page in legacy themes TL-11398 MDL-56368: Fixed Restrict Access layout issue in legacy themes TL-11399 MDL-43796: Fixed Reveal identities issue during restore TL-11400 MDL-56131: Added checks to prevent the Choice module becoming locked for a long periods of time TL-11401 MDL-55143: Fixed detection of version bumps in phpunit TL-11402 MDL-29774: Group membership summaries are now updated on AJAX calls TL-11403 MDL-55456: Fixed context warning when assigning roles TL-11404 MDL-56275: Removed repository options when adding external blog TL-11405 MDL-55858: Removed subscription links when not relevant in Forum module TL-11406 MDL-56250: mforms now support multiple validation calls TL-11407 MDL-53098: Fixed form validation issue when displaying confirmation TL-11408 MDL-56341: Fixed Quote and Str helpers collisions in JS Mustache rendering TL-11411 MDL-48350: Fixed action icons placement in docked blocks in legacy themes TL-11412 MDL-56347: Added diagnostic output for alt cache store problems in phpunit TL-11414 MDL-56354: All debugging calls now fail phpunit execution TL-11415 MDL-54112: Fixed Required grading filtering TL-11416 MDL-56615: Fixed PHP 7.0.9 warning in Portfolio TL-11417 MDL-56673: Fixed minor problems in template library tool TL-11418 MDL-47500: Improved SCORM height calculation Please note that Totara already contained a similar patch. This change added minor changes from upstream only. TL-11419 MDL-55249: Fixed status in feedback activity reports TL-11420 MDL-55883: Fixed calendar events for Lesson module TL-11421 MDL-56634: Improved rendering of WS api descriptions TL-11423 MDL-54986: Disabled add button for quizzes with existing attempts TL-11426 MDL-56748: Fixed a memory leak when resetting MUC TL-11427 MDL-56731: Fixed breadcrumb when returning to groups/index.php TL-11428 MDL-56765: User preferences are reloaded in new WS sessions TL-11429 MDL-53718: Do not show course badges when disabled TL-11430 MDL-54916: Improved the performance of empty ZIP file creation TL-11431 MDL-56120: Calendar events belonging to disabled modules are now hidden TL-11432 MDL-56755: Improved documentation of assign::get_grade_item() TL-11433 MDL-56133: Caches are now purged after automatic language pack updates TL-11434 MDL-53481: Fixed sql errors within availability restrictions TL-11435 MDL-56753: Fixed separate group mode errors TL-11436 MDL-56417: Fixed ignore_timeout_hook logic in auth subsystem TL-11437 MDL-56623: Added a new lang string for 'addressedto' TL-11438 MDL-55994: Fixed warning in RSS feed generation TL-11439 MDL-52216: Prevented invalid view modes in Lesson module Contributions: * Russell England at Kineo USA - TL-11239

Release 2.9.14 (21st December 2016):


    TL-11333        Fixes from Moodle 2.9.9 have been included in this release

                   Information on the issues included from this Moodle release can be found
                   further on in this changelog.

Security issues:

    TL-11133        Fixed Face-to-face activities allowing sign up even when restricted access conditions are not met
    TL-11194        Fixed get_users_by_capability() when prohibit permissions used
    TL-11335        MDL-56065: Fixed the update_users web service function
    TL-11336        MDL-53744: Fixed question file access checks
    TL-11338        MDL-56268: Format backtrace to avoid displaying private data within web services


    TL-10971        Improved Feedback activity export formatting

                   The following improvements were made to the exported responses for feedback
                   * Newlines in Long Text responses are no longer replaced with the html
tag * The text wrap attribute is set for all response cells * Long text, Short text and Information responses are no longer exported in bold TL-11056 Added phpunit support for third party modules that use "coursecreator" role Bug fixes: TL-4912 Fixed the missing archive completion option in course administration menu TL-6899 Fixed the display of user's names in Face-to-face attendees add/remove dialog to use user identity settings The showuseridentity setting can now be used to make user names more distinct (when 2 people have the same name and email address) in the Face-to-face attendees add/remove dialog. TL-7666 Images used in hierarchy custom fields are now displayed correctly when viewing or reporting on the hierarchy TL-9500 Fixed "View full report" link for embedded reports in the Report table block TL-10101 Removed unnecessary permission checks when accessing hierarchies TL-10953 Fixed Learning Plans using the wrong program due date Previously, given some unlikely circumstances, when viewing a program in a learning plan, it was possible that the program due date could have been displaying the due date for one of the course sets instead. TL-11000 When calculating the Aggregate rating for appraisal questions, not answered questions and zero values may now be included in aggregate calculations Two new settings have been added to Aggregate rating questions within Appraisals. These can be used in new aggregate rating questions to indicate how the system must handle unanswered questions, as well as questions resulting in a zero score during the calculations. TL-11063 Fixed a PHP error in the quiz results statistics processing when a multiple choice answer has been deleted TL-11126 Fixed HR Import data validation being skipped in some circumstances If the source was an external database, and the first record in the import contained a null, then the data validation checks on that column were being skipped. This has been fixed, and the data validation checks are now fully covered by automated tests. TL-11129 Fixed url parameters not being added in pagination for the enrolled audience search dialog TL-11130 Fixed how backup and restore encodes and decodes links in all modules TL-11137 Courses, programs and certifications will always show in the Record of Learning if the user has made progress or completed the item The record of learning is intended to list what the user has achieved. Previously, if a user had completed an item of learning, this may sometimes have been excluded due to visibility settings (although not in all cases with standard visibility). The effect of audience visibility settings and available to/from dates have been made consistent with that of standard visibility. The following are now show on their applicable Record of Learning embedded reports, regardless of enrolment status and current visibility of the item elsewhere. Courses: Any course where a user's status is greater than 'Not yet started'. This includes 'In-progress' and 'Complete'. Programs: Any program where the user's status is greater than 'Incomplete'. In existing Totara code, this will only be complete programs. This applies to the status of the program only and does not take into account program course sets. If just a course set were complete, and not the program, the program would not show on the Record of Learning if it should not otherwise be visible. Certifications: Any certification where the user's status is greater than 'Newly assigned'. This includes 'In-progress', 'Certified' and 'Expired'. TL-11139 Fixed report builder access permissions for the authenticated user role The authenticated user role was missed out when a report's access restriction was "user role in any context" - even if this role was ticked on the form. The fix now accounts for the authenticated user. TL-11148 Fixed suspended course enrolments not reactivating during user program reassignment TL-11200 Fixed the program enrolment plugin which was not working for certifications when programs had been disabled TL-11203 Allowed access to courses via completed programs consistently Previously if a user was complete with a due date they could not access any courses added to the program after completion, but users without a due date could access the new courses. Now any user with a valid program assignment can access the courses regardless of their completion state. TL-11209 Fixed errors in some reports when using report caching and audience visibility TL-11216 Fixed incorrect use of userid when logging a program view from required learning TL-11237 Deleting unconfirmed users no longer deletes the user record Previously when unconfirmed users were deleted by cron the user record was deleted from the database immediately after the standard deletion routines were run. Because it is possible to include unconfirmed users in dynamic audiences they could end up with traces in the database which may not be cleaned up by the standard deletion routines. The deletion of the user record would then lead to these traces becoming orphaned. This behaviour has been changed to ensure that the user record is never deleted from the database, and that user deletion always equates to the user record being marked as deleted instead. TL-11239 Fixed type handling within the role_assign_bulk function leading to users not being assigned in some situations TL-11253 Fixed incorrect circular management detection if a user has a missing id number TL-11272 Fixed inaccessible files when viewing locked appraisal questions TL-11304 Fixed problems in HR Import invalid username sanity check TL-11329 Fixed program course sets being marked complete due to ignoring "Minimum score" When a program or certification course set was set to "Some courses" and "0", the "Minimum score" was being ignored. Even if a "Minimum score" was set and was not reached, the course set was being marked complete. Now, if a "Minimum score" is set, users will be required to reach that score before the course set is marked complete, in combination with completing the required number of courses. If your site has a program or certification configured in this way, and you find users who have been incorrectly marked complete, you can use the program or certification completion editor to change the records back to "Incomplete" or "Certified, window is open". You should then wait for the "Program completions" scheduled task (runs daily by default) to calculate which stage of the program the user should be at. TL-11331 Fixed HTML and multi language support for general and embedded reports TL-11341 Fixed report builder filter display issue in chrome 55 Previously there was a CSS statement adding a float to a legend which appears to be ignored by most browsers. With the release of chrome 55, this style was being interpreted. TL-12244 Fixed 'Allow extension request' setting not being saved when adding programs and certifications TL-12246 Fixed MSSQL query for Course Completion Archive page Miscellaneous Moodle fixes: TL-11266 MDL-52317: Improved display of large images when Atto-supplied alignments are effective. Improved display of large images on Course page when Atto-supplied alignments are effective by removing horizontal scrollbars. TL-11337 MDL-51347: View notes capability is now checked using the course context TL-11339 MDL-55777: We now check libcurl version during installation TL-11426 MDL-56748: Fixed a memory leak when resetting MUC Contributions: * Russell England at Kineo USA - TL-11239

Release 2.7.22 (21st December 2016):

Security issues:

    TL-11133        Fixed Face-to-face activities allowing sign up even when restricted access conditions are not met
    TL-11194        Fixed get_users_by_capability() when prohibit permissions used
    TL-11335        MDL-56065: Fixed the update_users web service function
    TL-11336        MDL-53744: Fixed question file access checks

Bug fixes:

    TL-4912        Fixed the missing archive completion option in course administration menu
    TL-6899        Fixed the display of user's names in Face-to-face attendees add/remove dialog to use user identity settings

                   The showuseridentity setting can now be used to make user names more
                   distinct (when 2 people have the same name and email address) in the
                   Face-to-face attendees add/remove dialog.

    TL-10953        Fixed Learning Plans using the wrong program due date

                   Previously, given some unlikely circumstances, when viewing a program in a
                   learning plan, it was possible that the program due date could have been
                   displaying the due date for one of the course sets instead.

    TL-11126        Fixed HR Import data validation being skipped in some circumstances

                   If the source was an external database, and the first record in the import
                   contained a null, then the data validation checks on that column were being
                   skipped. This has been fixed, and the data validation checks are now fully
                   covered by automated tests.

    TL-11129        Fixed url parameters not being added in pagination for the enrolled audience search dialog
    TL-11130        Fixed how backup and restore encodes and decodes links in all modules
    TL-11139        Fixed report builder access permissions for the authenticated user role

                   The authenticated user role was missed out when a report's access
                   restriction was "user role in any context" - even if this role was ticked
                   on the form. The fix now accounts for the authenticated user.

    TL-11200        Fixed the program enrolment plugin which was not working for certifications when programs had been disabled
    TL-11203        Allowed access to courses via completed programs consistently

                   Previously if a user was complete with a due date they could not access any
                   courses added to the program after completion, but users without a due date
                   could access the new courses. Now any user with a valid program assignment
                   can access the courses regardless of their completion state.

    TL-11237        Deleting unconfirmed users no longer deletes the user record

                   Previously when unconfirmed users were deleted by cron the user record was
                   deleted from the database immediately after the standard deletion routines
                   were run.
                   Because it is possible to include unconfirmed users in dynamic audiences
                   they could end up with traces in the database which may not be cleaned up
                   by the standard deletion routines.
                   The deletion of the user record would then lead to these traces becoming
                   This behaviour has been changed to ensure that the user record is never
                   deleted from the database, and that user deletion always equates to the
                   user record being marked as deleted instead.

    TL-11253        Fixed incorrect circular management detection if a user has a missing id number
    TL-11254        Fixed the removal of text formatting in the display of descriptions for Report builder reports

                   Backport TL-8603

    TL-11272        Fixed inaccessible files when viewing locked appraisal questions
    TL-11304        Fixed problems in HR Import invalid username sanity check
    TL-11331        Fixed HTML and multi language support for general and embedded reports
    TL-12246        Fixed MSSQL query for Course Completion Archive page

Miscellaneous Moodle fixes:

    TL-11337        MDL-51347: View notes capability is now checked using the course context
    TL-11339        MDL-55777: We now check libcurl version during installation
    TL-11426        MDL-56748: Fixed a memory leak when resetting MUC

Release 2.6.39 (21st December 2016):

Security issues:

    TL-11133        Fixed Face-to-face activities allowing sign up even when restricted access conditions are not met
    TL-11194        Fixed get_users_by_capability() when prohibit permissions used
    TL-11335        MDL-56065: Fixed the update_users web service function

Bug fixes:

    TL-4912        Fixed the missing archive completion option in course administration menu
    TL-10953        Fixed Learning Plans using the wrong program due date

                   Previously, given some unlikely circumstances, when viewing a program in a
                   learning plan, it was possible that the program due date could have been
                   displaying the due date for one of the course sets instead.

    TL-11126        Fixed HR Import data validation being skipped in some circumstances

                   If the source was an external database, and the first record in the import
                   contained a null, then the data validation checks on that column were being
                   skipped. This has been fixed, and the data validation checks are now fully
                   covered by automated tests.

    TL-11129        Fixed url parameters not being added in pagination for the enrolled audience search dialog
    TL-11139        Fixed report builder access permissions for the authenticated user role

                   The authenticated user role was missed out when a report's access
                   restriction was "user role in any context" - even if this role was ticked
                   on the form. The fix now accounts for the authenticated user.

    TL-11200        Fixed the program enrolment plugin which was not working for certifications when programs had been disabled
    TL-11237        Deleting unconfirmed users no longer deletes the user record

                   Previously when unconfirmed users were deleted by cron the user record was
                   deleted from the database immediately after the standard deletion routines
                   were run.
                   Because it is possible to include unconfirmed users in dynamic audiences
                   they could end up with traces in the database which may not be cleaned up
                   by the standard deletion routines.
                   The deletion of the user record would then lead to these traces becoming
                   This behaviour has been changed to ensure that the user record is never
                   deleted from the database, and that user deletion always equates to the
                   user record being marked as deleted instead.

    TL-12246        Fixed MSSQL query for Course Completion Archive page

Miscellaneous Moodle fixes:

    TL-11339        MDL-55777: We now check libcurl version during installation

Release 2.5.46 (21st December 2016):

Security issues:

    TL-11133        Fixed Face-to-face activities allowing sign up even when restricted access conditions are not met
    TL-11194        Fixed get_users_by_capability() when prohibit permissions used
    TL-11335        MDL-56065: Fixed the update_users web service function

Bug fixes:

    TL-4912        Fixed the missing archive completion option in course administration menu
    TL-10953        Fixed Learning Plans using the wrong program due date

                   Previously, given some unlikely circumstances, when viewing a program in a
                   learning plan, it was possible that the program due date could have been
                   displaying the due date for one of the course sets instead.

    TL-11126        Fixed HR Import data validation being skipped in some circumstances

                   If the source was an external database, and the first record in the import
                   contained a null, then the data validation checks on that column were being
                   skipped. This has been fixed, and the data validation checks are now fully
                   covered by automated tests.

    TL-11164        Fix missing require when running quiz module unit tests
    TL-11237        Deleting unconfirmed users no longer deletes the user record

                   Previously when unconfirmed users were deleted by cron the user record was
                   deleted from the database immediately after the standard deletion routines
                   were run.
                   Because it is possible to include unconfirmed users in dynamic audiences
                   they could end up with traces in the database which may not be cleaned up
                   by the standard deletion routines.
                   The deletion of the user record would then lead to these traces becoming
                   This behaviour has been changed to ensure that the user record is never
                   deleted from the database, and that user deletion always equates to the
                   user record being marked as deleted instead.

    TL-12246        Fixed MSSQL query for Course Completion Archive page

Miscellaneous Moodle fixes:

    TL-11339        MDL-55777: We now check libcurl version during installation


    * Pierre Guinoiseau from Catalyst NZ - TL-11164

Release 2.4.48 (21st December 2016):

Security issues:

    TL-11133        Fixed Face-to-face activities allowing sign up even when restricted access conditions are not met
    TL-11194        Fixed get_users_by_capability() when prohibit permissions used
    TL-11335        MDL-56065: Fixed the update_users web service function

Bug fixes:

    TL-11164        Fix missing require when running quiz module unit tests
    TL-11237        Deleting unconfirmed users no longer deletes the user record

                   Previously when unconfirmed users were deleted by cron the user record was
                   deleted from the database immediately after the standard deletion routines
                   were run.
                   Because it is possible to include unconfirmed users in dynamic audiences
                   they could end up with traces in the database which may not be cleaned up
                   by the standard deletion routines.
                   The deletion of the user record would then lead to these traces becoming
                   This behaviour has been changed to ensure that the user record is never
                   deleted from the database, and that user deletion always equates to the
                   user record being marked as deleted instead.

Miscellaneous Moodle fixes:

    TL-11339        MDL-55777: We now check libcurl version during installation


    * Pierre Guinoiseau from Catalyst NZ - TL-11164

Release 2.2.54 (21st December 2016):

Security issues:

    TL-11194        Fixed get_users_by_capability() when prohibit permissions used

Bug fixes:

    TL-11237        Deleting unconfirmed users no longer deletes the user record

                   Previously when unconfirmed users were deleted by cron the user record was
                   deleted from the database immediately after the standard deletion routines
                   were run.
                   Because it is possible to include unconfirmed users in dynamic audiences
                   they could end up with traces in the database which may not be cleaned up
                   by the standard deletion routines.
                   The deletion of the user record would then lead to these traces becoming
                   This behaviour has been changed to ensure that the user record is never
                   deleted from the database, and that user deletion always equates to the
                   user record being marked as deleted instead.

Miscellaneous Moodle fixes:

    TL-11339        MDL-55777: We now check libcurl version during installation