Totara Talent Experience Platform Release Notes

Totara 2.5.20 (security release) 29th October 2014

Maria Torres
Totara 2.5.20 (security release) 29th October 2014
על ידי Maria Torres בתאריך 28/10/2014, 20:27
קבוצה Totara

Totara 2.5.20 has been released. It includes bug fixes, improvements and security fixes. We recommend upgrading to this version.

Thanks to:

Martin Sandberg and the team at Xtractor for contributing to T-13334 Fixed error when trying to send multiple Program Due messages in certifications.

Tom Black and the team at Kineo UK for contributing to T-13138 Fixed course completion when condition activity completion is changed.


Here's the changelog:

Release 2.5.20 (29th October 2014):

Security issues:
T-12620 Fixed Facetoface access control issues
T-13411 Change quiz result reports query to use get_recordset This change is intended to improve performance for quiz reports containing large amounts of data, especially to avoid memory overflow when exporting. T-12677 Improved error messages for Totara Sync Specifically database read/write messages. It is intended to provide a better information rather than the generic "Error writing to database" if an error occurs during the import. T-12610 Improved multilingual support in mod_quiz question bank category selector T-12823 Removed invalid string in language pack for the totara_core component
Bug Fixes:
T-13199 Fixed handling of program exceptions when linked user assignments do not exist T-13376 Fixed automatic conditional completion of course not cascading timecompleted correctly T-13367 Show error rather than warning when accessing hidden course This prevents users from seeing the names of courses which should be hidden to them, preventing privacy issues. T-12942 Fixed an issue with Appraisal questions where the list of visible roles overlaps the input field T-12481 Fixed custom user profile fields not being formatted correctly in Bulk User Actions download T-13334 Fixed error when trying to send multiple Program Due messages in certifications T-13423 Fixed border going off the page in A4 formats in certificates T-12140 Fixed the SCORM Interactions report processing SCOs with duplicated questions incorrectly T-13138 Fixed course completion when condition activity completion is changed IMPACT: A new event has been defined to reaggregate course completion when updating Course Completion with module requirements using "ANY of the conditions are met" T-12300 Fixed incorrect visibility of Facetoface sessions in the calendar Made visibility of Facetoface sessions in the calendar match the visibility of the course containing the Facetoface session, when audience visibility is enabled. T-13169 Fixed incorrect column type string in Record Of Learning Certifications report T-12765 Added sort order in program assignments to select the completion date for a user IMPACT: when having more than one assignment for a user in programs or certifications, it is not possible to know what completion date is taken into account in the user's due date. Now a sort order has been added, so the last assignment made for the user is the one the system uses to determine the due date. Also, there is a change that allows overriding the overdue date in certifications once it has passed. So, if a certification has expired for a user and the completion date set is greater than the expiry date, then it will be used as the new expiry date. T-13278 Fixed nested audiences being updated even when they have expired T-13054 Fixed Overdue incorrectly appearing on completed programs and certifications T-13318 Fixed issue where uploading course completion records can result in incorrect Program completion dates IMPACT: if the course completion upload tool was used to upload course completions, and the completed course then resulted in a program being completed, the resulting program completion dates were incorrect as the code incorrectly used the MAX completion date in the uploaded CSV to set the completion date for every user in the Program. Now sets the date for each user individually properly to match the completion CSV data. SCOPE: every user in a program that contains courses, where completion data for those courses is being uploaded via the course completion tool T-13297 Fixed the Program is live warning while editing Programs when audience visibility is enabled T-12640 Fixed issue with many text fields in large appraisals and feedback360 Added support for large tables when using MySQL 5.5 or later. Database servers need to be configured to use the new Barracuda database format and one file per table setting. Existing database tables are not fixed during upgrade, use admin/cli/mysql_compressed_rows.php to fix existing installations. PostgreSQL and MS SQL servers are not affected. T-12515 Fixed parameter names for manager rules in Dynamic Audiences
API Changes:
T-12906 Fixed links to embedded reports in My Reports Added new public property 'url' to every $report object