Totara Social Release Notes

Totara Social 2.1 Released 2nd November 2015

Yuliya Bozhko
Totara Social 2.1 Released 2nd November 2015
de Yuliya Bozhko - Monday, 2 de November de 2015, 16:40

Hi everyone!

Totara Social 2.1 release is out! It is a snapshot release containing minor improvements and bug fixes.

Here is the changelog for Totara Social 2.1:

Release 2.1 (2nd November 2015):

    TS-662   Improved usability of 'onlineusers' block
    TS-677   Improved usability of custom page layout creation. Layout structure
             is now displayed in a table and column width displays page percentage as
             a unit of measurement
    TS-618   Added description in group settings about group type

Bug fixes:
    TS-653    Fixed line breaks being displayed in inbox notifications when creating
              or editing comments
    TS-756    Made sure web and database server timezones are in sync. PHP function
              date_default_timezone_set() should now be used for setting a timezone
              in config.php file
              NOTE: if your site is running MySQL or MariaDB and you are using setting
              date_default_timezone_set(), make sure your database server has its
              timezone table loaded by executing the following command
              mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u <admin_username> -p mysql
              For more information see MySQL documentation at
    TS-676    Made sure user-friendly messages are displayed in case any errors occur when
              selecting page layouts
    TS-757    Made sure textbox blocks display a block name in title and breadcrumbs
    TS-744    Added validation when using embed code in 'External media' block
    TS-735    Fixed comments block and added relevant description if comments on content
              are not allowed
    TS-623    Made empty inbox show an information message instead of an empty table
    TS-745    Added description in 'My groups' block type
    TS-734    Complaint field is now required when reporting objectionable content in forum
    TS-750    Fixed styling issue with a newly created 4-rows page layout
    TS-703    Added missing CSS styles to the Default theme
    TS-755    Fixed error when editing group files
    TS-730    Made sure that 'Allow public content' tenant setting is not ignored
    TS-762    Fixed Totara Social major release version calculation for 2.x series

Third party libraries updates:
    Updated PhpMailer library to version 5.2.13
    Updated JSColor plugin to version 1.4.5

Backported fixes from Mahara:
    Take into account the 'maxuploadsize' site setting (Bug #1495676)
    Make sure Flowplayer preserves video's aspect ratio (Bug #1496910)
    Set database transaction mode to "READ COMMITTED" to avoid deadlocks (Bug #1492919)
    Remove unnecessary cached form from the session (Bug #1495200)
    Improve sanitize_url() function to return false when given a null URL (Bug #1497411)
    Allow for urls to work (Bug #1436841)
    Fix issue when flash player is displayed over dialogs (Bug #1254841)
    Use correct path for deleting old sessions (Bug #1500774)
    Stop layout thumbs from being created from langstring info (Bug #1461040)
    Fix the layout images being broken by locale setting (Bug #1468144)