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SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM

Rob Bloor
SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by Rob Bloor - Friday, 7 February 2014, 2:57 AM

I have a course and completion is determined by passing a SCORM object in that course there is no other topics.  Once passed this completes this course.  I have then put this course into a certification as I want everyone to repeat it yearly.  In testing I have set it to be completed every 2 days.  The certification works but when I redo the SCORM it doesn’t set the course to the new completion date i.e. it still says I did it 2 days ago not as of today when I redid it.  Is it possible for this to work, is there a setting somewhere I’ve not set correctly.  Anyone help as we have numerous examples of where we staff to do this?

Matt Mundey
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by Matt Mundey - Friday, 7 February 2014, 11:43 PM
Group Partners

Hi Rob,

I think scorm objects will always show the original completion date, but you can live with that...because the repeating compliance indicator is the certification.

You could add a new version of the scorm every year, in a new activity. Define your course completion by grade, rather than activity completion, if you do.

Scorm experts - is this right?



? ?
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by ? ? - Sunday, 9 February 2014, 12:51 PM

I'm not sure about this, but maybe on the SCORM settings if you set "Force new attempt" in the "Attempts Management" section to Yes then it might count the re-try as a new attempt. I don't know if that is connected to the completion code though to give a new completion date.

It may be that we need to explicitly reset the user's completion data on scorm activities in a certification, whenever the certification comes up for renewal? Scorm and completion is a bit of a dark art.

Rob Bloor
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by Rob Bloor - Monday, 10 February 2014, 1:03 AM

Resolved :)

Ciaran, yes the "Force new attempt" does give a new completion date, which in turn informs the certification and renewal.  We can keep away from the dark art for a while yet.

Matt, thanks for your reply, didn't want to manually add a new SCORM each year as I wanted it to be a kind of roll on roll off straddling years, but the above has worked so all is OK.

Daniel Bond
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by Daniel Bond - Monday, 10 February 2014, 2:58 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023

That will have resolve it insofar as the SCORM will start a new attempt every time you access it I think, but I wonder whether that might also break the ability to resume a SCORM activity if you've left it half done previously.

I rather assumed that the certification resetting process for a SCORM module would include resetting the completion and the attempt data, much as I would assume the resetting for a quiz would include resetting previous attempts (and storing them in the archive). Is this not the case?

Rob Bloor
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by Rob Bloor - Tuesday, 11 February 2014, 7:44 AM

I agree that it may affect the resumption of a SCORM atempt.  Will need to test this, could have implications.

Agree with Dan, shouldn' t the certifiaction automate this process?

? ?
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by ? ? - Tuesday, 11 February 2014, 2:13 PM

It probably should but the code to examine every course in a certification for SCORM activities and then reset the completion data on them could get rather messy. I'll file a bug report, though this one may take a while to resolve.

Daniel Bond
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by Daniel Bond - Wednesday, 12 February 2014, 4:09 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023

I had rather assumed that the certification feature would store all information from the core activities and then reset them so they can be completed again. I can't speak for any other organisation, but I for one will be recommending we don't use certification until the SCORM issue is resolved, because I would suggest any course using SCORM can't be included in a certification properly. Given that this isn't the case, can we please have a list of all activities which are actually supported by certification, and an approximate timescale for all core activities to be fully supported?


Daniel Bond
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by Daniel Bond - Wednesday, 12 February 2014, 6:13 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023

My apologies, I hadn't actually tested the feature to verify it wasn't resetting data for SCORM modules. Having now done some testing, it appears the certification tool is doing exactly what Rob and myself expected which is to automate the process of resetting the SCORM completion data. If Ciaran could just confirm that this is the intended behaviour, and that all other core activities behave in the same way with certifications, that would be great.

One thing I can't find is where the record of previous SCORM attempts is actually stored. I could have sworn that I saw some sort of link in the Administration block to previous completion data, but it doesn't appear to be there any more.


? ?
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by ? ? - Thursday, 27 February 2014, 12:23 PM

Hi Dan,

I actually had to delve into the mechanics of this yesterday so I can give you a more detailed answer now.

When the certification window open and the courses are being reset, the certification cron calls
recertify_window_opens_stage which calls reset_certifcomponent_completions

which gets all the courses in the certification and calls
archive_course_completion and archive_course_activities
archive_course_activities gets all the activities in the course and looks for a function [module]_archive_completion in the modules main lib.php

So in mod/scorm/lib.php, function scorm_archive_completion we see that it deletes the scorm_scoes_track data for that user, and resets any grades and completion status. That seems to be the behaviour intended by the SCORM maintainer. Other activities behave slightly differently, e.g. feedback - in the feedback version of feedback_archive_completion function it stores the old responses in feedback_completed_history and feedback_value_history.

I suppose there's a huge amount of data in scorm_scoes_track and a lot of it probably isn't of much historical value...

Daniel Bond
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by Daniel Bond - Friday, 28 February 2014, 3:06 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023

That's great, thanks for looking into this. Would it be possible to get a brief summary of which activity modules have a [module]_archive_completion function implemented currently and how each handles archiving. I would also be interested in people's opinions of whether the data in scorm_scoes_track is valuable for archiving or whether simply knowing the course had been completed was enough. Maybe a compromise might be to just store the status and score (which should be fairly small amounts of data) in a table but get rid of the other tracking information.



? ?
Re: SCORM course and certification – redoing SCORM
by ? ? - Sunday, 2 March 2014, 1:14 PM

The following modules currently have an archive function:








Apart from facetoface they are all Moodle modules and we're always wary of changing the functionality in Moodle code as it makes it much more difficult to maintain and merge in every Moodle release. If there was overwhelming demand for a change we would prefer to try to get a change submitted to Moodle rather than having a separate Totara fix.