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F2F Notifications sending to everyone

? ?
F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 24/05/2016, 03:48

Hi I wonder if someone can help

I have recently created a F2F notification template that asks learners to provide feedback on a recent workshop they have attended and have set them up to go out 2 days after the end of each session. When I changed the status to active I assumed it would only send them to F2F activities going forward from present day not ALL F2F activities that happened months ago as this notification isn't really relevant to those now.

Is there a way to set it so they ONLY send 2 days after NEW sessions?



Rob Bloor
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי Rob Bloor בתאריך 25/05/2016, 00:37

Hi Hayley

We encountered the same issue. Contacted our partner who said this was expected behaviour.  The only work around proposed was to switch off the email notifications, run it and then switch back on, but we’d lose other email notifications for that period? Be good if it can be addressed through the forums.



? ?
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 25/05/2016, 03:30

Hi Rob

Thanks for that tip. I wonder if it actually does stop them sending to past sessions when you turn them back on though as surely the settings are exactly the same?

It does seem insane that it ignores the scheduling rules. It means you can never set up a new scheduled template just for new upcoming sessions? Unless you created a new F2F activity with no previous sessions but the amount we have that isn't practical to do. Especially if you want to be able to keep evolving and improving your automated features.

Agreed it would be good if this could be addressed.


? ?
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 26/05/2016, 00:03

Hi Hayley

We have the same partner as Rob and agree that this would be great if something could be done regarding these notifications.  We've had other issues with too many notifications going out and it's a real bug bear for us, so any assistance from Totara on this would be much appreciated.


Rob Bloor
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי Rob Bloor בתאריך 26/05/2016, 00:26

Hi both

 I’ve asked our partner to talk Totara about this. Hayley, could you escalate it to them as well.  If we can get others that agree with us we can probably see about the possibilities of a change?



Steph Wild
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי Steph Wild בתאריך 26/05/2016, 00:53
קבוצה Learn Site Administrator

Hi Hayley,

We have encountered this behaviour on numerous occasions and it causes us real problems.

However, we have switched off emails, altered or added f2f notifications and then switched emails back on and it doesn't seem to 'queue' them up and just sends them moving forwards from this point, the thing to be wary of here is that you must be sure that the CRON has ran at least once during the email switch off period. 

As Rob says, the only issue here of course is that it doesn't send any emails during this period so will miss the ones which actually need to go out.

We have the same partner as both Rob & Rita and would really appreciate any changes that Totara could make to address this.


Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 26/05/2016, 20:10
קבוצה Totara

Hi guys,

The notifications relate to the F2F activity and not the individual sessions within it. I think being able to fine-tune notifications for sessions might be an idea rather than just for sessions going forward, is there a consensus for a Feature Request?



? ?
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 27/05/2016, 00:10

Hi George

I think it would depend. Fine tuning sessions would be great but not if that meant you had to individually go in to every session to add the same feature. Its already time consuming enough to have to go to every F2F activity to add the same notification template. 

Not sure how others feel?



Rob Bloor
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי Rob Bloor בתאריך 27/05/2016, 01:20

Hi all

I’d like to consider this a Feature Request and our partner has now contacted Totara, so thanks all round.  I agree with Hayley that is very time consuming, but as George says it’s every F2F activity not each session?   

Setting up notifications tends to be a retrospective thing for us as it’s when you realise people aren’t doing something that you want to remind them.  Knowing that it will send to all people n sessions and not future is causing an issue.

A +1 for a change please

Steph Wild
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי Steph Wild בתאריך 27/05/2016, 03:15
קבוצה Learn Site Administrator

Hi All,

Just to add my support for this feature request, as a priority we would like any additions or changes to f2f notifications to only affect those in the future (or to be given the option for this).

Adding changes to each session might be useful in some circumstances but I wouldn't like to move to a position whereby we had to apply notifications at session level this would be far too much work.

A big +1 from me


? ?
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 27/05/2016, 03:35

Yes completely agree with Steph's comments

A +1 for this


? ?
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 30/05/2016, 23:21

At big +1 from us at ELHT too.  Notifications should only go out for the future, not past and we would welcome some assistance from Totara to make this happen.


Many thanks.



Juergen Helmerich
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי Juergen Helmerich בתאריך 31/05/2016, 00:02
קבוצה Good learner 2023קבוצה Partnersקבוצה V18 Program Complete

And one more big +1 from us, as the current behaviour caused some confusion among our clients in the past several times...


Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 31/05/2016, 15:12
קבוצה Totara

Hi folks,

Ive created an Improvement request TL-9205, Ill update this thread when it's been through our review process. Please feel free to add your comments in the Suggest Features forum.



Rio Agnello
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי Rio Agnello בתאריך 9/06/2016, 08:45

The system should have a functionality to switch all correspondence off for past bookings, doesn’t make sense for the system to send these notifications out. We would definitely benefit from a way to switch these off.





Su Smith
Re: F2F Notifications sending to everyone
על ידי Su Smith בתאריך 13/06/2016, 07:38

A big +1 from us at ELHT too.  Notifications should only go out for the future, not past and we would welcome some assistance from Totara to make this happen.

In addition, the option of more filters in order to customise the notifications would have a positive impact too.

Thank you.
