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Wednesday 22 June 2016, 07:19
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Re: report to include a users manager's manager name
par George Angus, Wednesday 22 June 2016, 21:27
Groupe Totara

Hi Susan,

You couldn't get the Manager's manager column in there without some custom work. I think you'd have to pull off a couple of reports to get the Manager's manager and then use a spreadsheet.  We have a Feature request (TL-9065) for new columns in the User Report which I've linked this thread to (as I think at present that's the best deployment of our resources) - if this post gathers any interest Ill submit a feature request for the functionality you mentioned.



Ce message du forum a été supprimé
Thursday 23 June 2016, 22:51
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Re: report to include a users manager's manager name
par George Angus, Sunday 26 June 2016, 16:15
Groupe Totara

Hi Susan,

I think most likely it wouldn't be, and we are implementing Multiple jobs in 9.0 which will lead to enhanced reporting around the management hierarchy.

