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How are "course set due" dates calcuated?

? ?
How are "course set due" dates calcuated?
by ? ? - Wednesday, 22 June 2016, 2:08 AM


Can anyone explain how "Course set due" notifications are triggered in programs and certifications? There doesn't seem to be any way of viewing or explicitly setting course set due dates.

I assume it's a combination of a user's individual program date minus the minimum time required to complete each remaining course set, but I can't find it documented anywhere. 

Also, if this is the case, what happens when there's only one course set and today + minimum time required = program due date? Is the message triggered on user assignment?



Re: How are "course set due" dates calcuated?
by George Angus - Wednesday, 22 June 2016, 8:42 PM
Group Totara

Hi Ryan,

One of the complicating factors here is, for example, if you have the sets A or B, then C. The due date of C could be variable, then there can be other relative dates involved too. So as you said it looks like its based off prog_completion.timedue which is set by $now - coursesetgroup.mintimereq.

If there's only one course set then you should use a program due message, rather than course set due. I don't think the course set due date is ever calculated for the first course set. But regardless, if you've only got one course set, you don't need course set messages.

