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Craig Eves
Re: Closed Appraisal
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 24 de October de 2016, 19:13
Grupo Totara

Hi Patrick

This is the way Dynamic Appraisals is supposed to work - when a new manager is assigned to the user who has an appraisal the new manager should be able to access the Appraisal even if completed. I tested and this worked this way - you do need to make sure the cron in run so the appraisal assignment task is run.


Daniel Bond
Re: Closed Appraisal
de Daniel Bond - Tuesday, 25 de October de 2016, 01:31
Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023

Definitely not the way it works for us currently, but we would also love all appraisals (closed, complete or active) to transfer between managers if possible. We're on 2.7.18 so I don't know if you introduced changes in 2.9 to the behaviour of dynamic appraisals.


Craig Eves
Re: Closed Appraisal
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 25 de October de 2016, 14:59
Grupo Totara

Hi Dan

I can't see any fixes for 2.9 around this - there is a ticket TL-10970 Manager cannot complete appraisal when assigned after learner has completed appraisal which was closed as expected behaviour. I will test this out on 2.7 and see if I can replicate.


Craig Eves
Re: Closed Appraisal
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 25 de October de 2016, 18:35
Grupo Totara

I tried this on 2.7 and the newly assigned manger was able to access the appraisal - can you check on the scheduled tasks that the Update learner assignments to appraisals task has run recently.

Is there anything about the assignments such as temporary managers - reassigning more than once that could be affecting this?

Can you add a support ticket if this looks Ok so we can try and replicate.

Daniel Bond
Re: Closed Appraisal
de Daniel Bond - Wednesday, 26 de October de 2016, 01:34
Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023

Just to make sure we're all talking the same language, we're talking about completed and closed appraisals not transferring. Currently active ones are reassigned to the new manager and can be completed as expected, but closed and completed ones stay with the manager where they were completed / closed.

There was a discussion about this in May and a feature request was made: TL-8100 - Make completed/closed appraisals accessible to new managers

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Wednesday, 26 de October de 2016, 03:11
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Craig Eves
Re: Closed Appraisal
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 27 de October de 2016, 15:09
Grupo Totara

Hi Dan

You are right once the appraisal is completed and the new manager is assigned the new manger doesn't get access to the old appraisal. I think what I was doing was assigning the new manager before the appraisal had been fully completed by the learner and the manager and then completing the appraisal. 

? ?
Re: Closed Appraisal
de ? ? - Tuesday, 7 de March de 2017, 08:09


We have a number of customers requiring that closed/completed appraisals be made available to Newly assigned managers as a matter f urgency.  I have traced through the forum posts and found that this was requested and in May 2016.  

TL-8100 - Make completed/closed appraisals accessible to new managers

Could you tell me if there is any update on this? We are currently using v2.9

Many thanks


Re: Closed Appraisal
de George Angus - Wednesday, 8 de March de 2017, 14:42
Grupo Totara

Hi Bev,

It would be worthwhile adding your support/comments for this feature here. We are still looking at developing this functionality as soon as we have the resources to do so, we have to work on features which we consider to have the highest priority at any given time, this means we can't tackle them in a strictly chronological order.  We realise its a popular request, but at this point I couldn't give a definite answer as to when its likely to be implemented.

