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Moodle Mobile 3.2 on Totara 9

Roger Dominguez
Moodle Mobile 3.2 on Totara 9
על ידי Roger Dominguez בתאריך 25/01/2017, 01:51
קבוצה Partners

Dear all,

Has anybody tested if Moodle Mobile 3.2 works fine on Totara 9.

Looking forward to your comments!



Roger Dominguez
Re: Moodle Mobile 3.2 on Totara 9
על ידי Roger Dominguez בתאריך 13/03/2017, 08:32
קבוצה Partners

Dear all,

We have enabled the Mobile Web services in Totara 9, even we have installed Moodle Mobile New Features plugin, but we can not connect Moodle Mobile to our Totara 9 instance.

Has anybody any idea why Totara 9 can not connect to Moodle Mobile app?

Looking forward to your comments.



Dimitris Tolis
Re: Moodle Mobile 3.2 on Totara 9
על ידי Dimitris Tolis בתאריך 16/03/2017, 09:48
Hi Roger, same here

I'm also looking at it. I don't know if it helps, but I had used moodle mobile 3.1 version and worked fine. 

When my phone made the update to 3.2, and now, I still can use the app with my old connected account. 

However, I cannot make new account connections

If anyone finds a workaround please share



Roger Dominguez
Re: Moodle Mobile 3.2 on Totara 9
על ידי Roger Dominguez בתאריך 20/03/2017, 10:52
קבוצה Partners

Hi Dimitris,

Thanks for your comments.

Please, could you confirm you are talking about Totara 9?




Dimitris Tolis
Re: Moodle Mobile 3.2 on Totara 9
על ידי Dimitris Tolis בתאריך 20/03/2017, 12:34

Yes, I'm talking about Totara 9 

sorry I didn't mention it

