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User Reports and deleted users

? ?
User Reports and deleted users
von ? ? – Monday, 27 February 2017, 9:06 AM


     When we upload User Reports we seem to get a bit of gibberish. This seems to be in place of deleted users. Is there a way to delete users so this resonant code is not left behind? This is an example of the code.



Thanks! Tracey

Craig Eves
Re: User Reports and deleted users
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Monday, 27 February 2017, 1:58 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Tracey

There are a couple of things you can do to avoid seeing deleted users.

In the user Report source there is a Filter field User Status that can be added and lets you select Active , Deleted or Suspended users. If you choose Active users this will exclude Deleted and Suspended users.

There is also an option to do full user deletion  under Site admin > Plugins > Authentication > Manage Authentication > User Deletion 


Daniel Bond
Re: User Reports and deleted users
von Daniel Bond – Tuesday, 28 February 2017, 2:20 AM
Gruppe Most helpful contributor 2023

As far as I'm aware, the "full user deletion" doesn't actually delete the user fully, the reasons for which have been extensively discussed here and on the Moodle forums. From the sound of things, the users in question as being "fully deleted" which makes their account unrecoverable and changes their username to the string you see. From the page you highlighted, the description is "during full delete username, email and ID number are discarded - this means that accounts cannot be undeleted later." If you change the deletion option on there to "keep username, email and ID number", then the users just have the "deleted" flag set on their account, and can be undeleted later on.
