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Course enrolment welcome mail

Evy De Bruyckere
Course enrolment welcome mail
di Evy De Bruyckere - Wednesday, 1 March 2017, 01:34
Hello everyone

We were wondering if it is possible to send an email to every user that is enrolled in a certain course?

We would like to send the learners what they can expect of that specific course and what they will need to successfully complete it. There are also a lot of blended courses involved, so we would like to email them what they will need to bring to a session. Also, it would need to be an email not a message that is sent within Totara.

For now, we have only found the option to send a default welcome message when self enrolment is an option.

However, the message we would like to send would be more detailed and specific for each course.
I'm working in a sandbox version, so testing out the sending/receiving of emails is not an option for now, unfortunately.

Thank you for your advice!

Craig Eves
Re: Course enrolment welcome mail
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 2 March 2017, 13:34
Gruppo Totara

Hi Evy

One way of messaging new people to a course is to use the News forum that is automatically created when a course is created.

 The default settings for the news forum is to Automatically subscribe users initially. Only trainers and Administrators are able to post to the forum so this is used for announcements rather than discussions. A course welcome message can be added to the News forum and when a user enrols in the course they are subscribed to the forum and receive the welcome message.
