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Renaming Front Page Items

Marina Zelinskaya
Renaming Front Page Items
de Marina Zelinskaya - Wednesday, 15 de March de 2017, 06:15

Is there a way to rename a front page item, as pictured below to, say, from site news to just news?

I also want to add a blog section in the same way, so that section will need to be renamed as well.

Thank you.


? ?
Re: Renaming Front Page Items
de ? ? - Wednesday, 15 de March de 2017, 06:25

You'll have to find the language string within the language pack and edit it that way. 

Re: Renaming Front Page Items
de George Angus - Thursday, 16 de March de 2017, 14:41
Grupo Totara

Hi Marina,

There's some guidance here.

