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Outsourcing Totara Support to 3rd party

? ?
Outsourcing Totara Support to 3rd party
de ? ? - Tuesday, 14 de March de 2017, 12:31

Hello. I was wondering if anyone is outsourcing support of Totara to a third party vendor?  I am looking for helpdesk vendor to support a segment of our user community.  Thank you

? ?
Re: Outsourcing Totara Support to 3rd party
de ? ? - Tuesday, 14 de March de 2017, 12:47

Hello Lisa,

The company I work for uses Learningpool. I can't speak to much more than that as I don't work on the IT/admin side.

Best Regards,


Robert Howarth
Re: Outsourcing Totara Support to 3rd party
de Robert Howarth - Tuesday, 14 de March de 2017, 13:08  Hi Lisa , I use Androgogic for my totara report ,,very  happy with them

? ?
Re: Outsourcing Totara Support to 3rd party
de ? ? - Friday, 17 de March de 2017, 09:35

were using Envisiontel. 

Very quick to respond to help requests tickets