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News Feed

Marina Zelinskaya
News Feed
von Marina Zelinskaya – Monday, 13 March 2017, 8:56 AM


What is the best way to add news feed to the home page?

Thank you,


? ?
Re: News Feed
von ? ? – Monday, 13 March 2017, 9:08 AM


I am very interested in this and creating an 'Elearning News' Dashboard on our system.

Many thanks


Craig Eves
Re: News Feed
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Monday, 13 March 2017, 3:59 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Adam

If you are wanting to display content from outside of Totara then you can add the Remote RSS feed block.

To get RSS feed from within Totara activities - select Enable RSS feeds under Site admin > Advanced features and then enable RSS feed for the activity you want  the feed for. Blogs, forums, database and glossary activities support RSS feeds. 


Marina Zelinskaya
Re: News Feed
von Marina Zelinskaya – Thursday, 16 March 2017, 7:39 AM

Hi, Craig,

I enabled the RSS feed in the Advanced features, but when I try to add a new forum activity, I don't see any options to turn on RSS feed for that forum.  Am I missing something?  Or looking in the wrong place?  Or is forum not the best option to create a blog-like section?

Just FYI, I have already created an RSS feeds, which worked, just can't get it to display on the home page.

Thank you,


Craig Eves
Re: News Feed
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 16 March 2017, 3:34 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi marina

The RSS feed for the forum activities need to be enabled at the Site level first - through Site Admin > Plugins, Activity modules > Forum .

The forum in the course should then have the RSS option.

RSS tracking

For the feed that doesn't work check that it is a valid feed through


? ?
Re: News Feed
von ? ? – Monday, 13 March 2017, 9:15 AM

You can add a Latest News Block to your front page. In the org I work for we use the Karousel block (3 of them) to make announcements on our front page.