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Training Checklists-Best Practices?

? ?
Training Checklists-Best Practices?
by ? ? - Tuesday, 28 February 2017, 4:37 PM

hello everyone.  Im developing several training checklists for our customer service dept and I was wondering if you would be willing to share some BP with regards to these type of standard training documents?   Here is the break down.   Upon being hired, you are given a training checklist that corresponds to your position.   On this paper list are a bunch of To Dos for your first 90 days.   My goal is to take these paper lists and create an E-version in totara.   I know how to do this my question pertains more towards conceptualizing the best way to use the totara functions to their fullest advantage and so I though to ask you all for any tips.   I already had 2 thoughts

1. use the Feedback activity to recreate the checklist in totara per class.  As the learner completes each  line item 2 do, they manually check it off the list until its complete.   *Should make for easy reporting later on

2. Recreate the checklist using the modules within a class for each line item 2 do that can be tracked by the system.   *eventually this could be very robust and intricate but much more time consuming. 

   I appreciate any tips that your willing to share with me that have worked for your agencies if you use a similar checklist?

thank you

Christina =)

Craig Eves
Re: Training Checklists-Best Practices?
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 28 February 2017, 5:26 PM
Group Totara

Hi Christina

A couple of functions of Totara that would be useful are using Dynamic Audiences where users can be selected based on what position they have  see for more detail. 

Audiences can be used to enrol audience members in courses and also to create Learning Plans

Learning Plans would be useful to act as a checklist - Learning Plans can included Courses, Competencies, Objectives. 

Courses can include completion criteria so automatically completed or able to be self completed.

Competencies can be linked to positions so the competencies are pulled into the Learning Plan based on the user's position.

Objectives can have Linked courses and Evidence added to them.

lp objectives

Each item on the learning Plan can have workflows created for the required approvals by the learner and their manager.

See for the options here - this is a lot to take in but provides a bit of flexibility and automation for creating 'checklists'


? ?
Re: Training Checklists-Best Practices?
by ? ? - Wednesday, 1 March 2017, 8:00 AM

thank you!  this is great.  Any suggestion on where to start with this?   Does it make sense to just build out the action items first? or do I have to set up the competencies or objectives?  Im reading through the instructions but not sure where to begin.  Any help is appreciated.

Craig Eves
Re: Training Checklists-Best Practices?
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 2 March 2017, 2:03 PM
Group Totara

Hi Christina

You are right - before you can assign these to a Learning Plan Template they need to exist first (except for Objectives) 

The Competencies framework needs to be created and competencies added to the framework 

Position frameworks can also be created and also assigned to users using the HR Import

The competencies can then be linked to positions manually and the courses linked to the competencies.

Create the audiences, assign learning plan and then create the Learning Plan.


Jussi Tuominen
Re: Training Checklists-Best Practices?
by Jussi Tuominen - Thursday, 2 March 2017, 11:16 PM

Hi Christina,

You might want to check course program functionality too.

I recommend the following procedure:

1. create courses

2. create audience for each new employee groups (=cohort)

3. create course programs for each different checklist you have and assign audiences to them

4. assign Learnign Plans to audiences for employee - manager communication

Possible problems with each step (to my experience):

1. How to end the course,i.e., how to guide the user from the course back to the course program

2. Is your user information accurate including (main and temporary) manager info

3. Messages - diffcult to check

4. Messages - plenty of messages will be created

Best regards,


? ?
Re: Training Checklists-Best Practices?
by ? ? - Friday, 3 March 2017, 7:48 AM

thanks Jussi--I will def check that out.

Update: thanks to our awesome vendor for reminding me of the Moodle Plugins directory.  we found a checklist there and installed it.   Cant believe I had forgotten about that major resource!