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Monday, 13 March 2017, 11:59 AM
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Craig Eves
Re: Using Database Activity to store records/entries?
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 13 March 2017, 4:56 PM
Group Totara

Hi Knight

You might like to look at adding the Evidence feature in Totara - Evidence can be defined with the fields you require, can be added directly to Record of Learning and linked to competencies or objectives in Learning Plans as below for access by the learners manager to access,

see for details of Learning plans.

If you don't want to go down the Evidecne , Learning plan route then maybe use a rubric for the assignment which allow criteria to be added to the assignment marking and submission.

Link Evidence in the Learning Plan

If a user has created one or more evidence items in their record of learning, they can link them to items in their learning plan. The following describes how to do this for courses. This functionality also applies for competencies, objectives, and programs.

  1. Create a new learning plan and add a course to it.

  2. On the Courses tab you should see an Evidence column with the number of evidence items linked to each course.

  3. Click on the course name.

  4. Under the Linked evidence heading select Add Linked evidence.

  5. If the user who owns the plan has any evidence items they should appear in the dialog that appears.

  6. Browse or search the list, and add one or more evidence items.

  7. Select Save to add the linked evidence on the course page.

  8. Remove evidence items again by checking the box in the Select linked evidence column then pressing Remove selected links.

  9. Click an evidence item’s name to view the evidence.


• A user’s evidence should be available to the user and their direct manager.