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Changing/adding activity or resource activity for linked videos

Hellmuth Sole
Changing/adding activity or resource activity for linked videos
di Hellmuth Sole - Monday, 20 March 2017, 14:55

Hi everyone, we've recently taken the decision to host all of our videos on Vimeo (since it provides excellent bandwidth and compression features, plus it allows us to embed videos easily in our SCORM packages) and want to replace some of the videos we currently have hosted on our Totara site with links (this becomes a massive reduction in server processes, which will make the rest of the site run significantly better).  Currently the only way I've found to include the embed links is either through a web page or a page activity.  However, both of these have "generic" activity icons (one being a piece of paper and the other being a piece of paper with a globe).  

One thing I've like when adding a file (which is how we've currently added videos and other resources) is that when Totara detects the type of file (PPT, PDF, FLV, MOV, etc.) it changes the icon seen for the activity.  I'd like to know if there's a way to do this with embedded videos, or with web pages, or if there's a way I can create an activity and include a custom icon?
