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Face-to-face registration cut off date

? ?
Face-to-face registration cut off date
par ? ?, Monday 1 May 2017, 18:18


How can we add a registration cut-off date for the upcoming sessions of a Face-to-face even if there are still places/slots available?

Many thanks

Craig Eves
Re: Face-to-face registration cut off date
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Monday 1 May 2017, 20:15
Groupe Totara

Hi Melvin

From Totara version 9 there is a Sign-up opens and Sign-up closes field where the cutoff dates can be added.

signup opens


? ?
Re: Face-to-face registration cut off date
par ? ?, Monday 1 May 2017, 20:41

Wow that's cool. 

But how about in Totara 2.7? Is there a way to have that? 

or is the Face-to-face Minimum capacity/Session cut-off date settings enough?

Thank you so much for showing that.

Craig Eves
Re: Face-to-face registration cut off date
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Tuesday 2 May 2017, 16:10
Groupe Totara

Hi Melvin 

The cut off in earlier version is the amount of time before the first session that messages about minimum capacity will be sent so registration would still be able to be made.  

The other cut-off date is to prevent cancellations before the session starts. So the functionality isn't the same in earlier versions.


? ?
Re: Face-to-face registration cut off date
par ? ?, Thursday 4 May 2017, 16:32

So this means that we cannot specify the registration end date using the cut-off date in a session settings right?

Is there any other way to do it in Totara Version 2.7.26?

Re: Face-to-face registration cut off date
par George Angus, Sunday 7 May 2017, 15:53
Groupe Totara

Hi Melvin,

You could restrict access by date using Access restrictions on the activity. You would have to enable Conditional Access under Advanced settings first.



Re: Face-to-face registration cut off date
par George Angus, Tuesday 2 May 2017, 20:53
Groupe Totara

Hi Melvin,

I've upgraded your Community Account now we know you are with a Totara Partner!



? ?
Re: Face-to-face registration cut off date
par ? ?, Thursday 4 May 2017, 16:32

Hi George,

Thank you :)