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Increasing max size of SCORM file for Editing Trainer

Hellmuth Sole
Increasing max size of SCORM file for Editing Trainer
by Hellmuth Sole - Tuesday, 9 May 2017, 6:28 AM

Hi all, I seem to be having an issue with permissions for the editing trainers on our site.  We've set our maxfile size on our website to 512 MB, and everything seems to be working fine for me as an Admin.  However, when asking our editing trainers to upload their own SCORMs, they are met with a 50MB limit.  We have established course default settings with Max File Upload sizes of 512 MB, and our site policy has a Maximum uploaded file size of 512 MB.  The only thing we have established as 50 MB is the Maximum submission size for file submissions.

Is there any setting I may be missing to fix this?


Craig Eves
Re: Increasing max size of SCORM file for Editing Trainer
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 9 May 2017, 5:02 PM
Group Totara

Hi Hellmuth

There are a few places where the upload file size can be constrained - the one you may not have adjusted is in php,ini post max size and upload max filesize - you may also need to adjust the max_execution_time.

  • Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Edit settings and obtain Maximum upload size vale under Files and uploads
  • Check size of file matches course upload limit
  • Go to Site administration > Server > PHP Info and check values for:
    • post_max_size
    • upload_max_filesize (these can be changed by editing the php.ini file located on the web server eg upload_max_filesize = 60M  will increase max file upload to 60mb
    • max_execution_time - (NB - I'm not 100% sure as to how much this affects uploads, but worth checking to see if it's a low value. Apparently, poor bandwidth and a low execution time can impact the uploading of larger files.)

The first 2 will normally determine the site upload limit, so they're worth checking, especially if the limit needs to be raised.

  • Check that no restrictions have been set on the webserver.
    • If the webserver is Apache, it's worth checking to see if there may be a .htaccess file with upload limits in place. This would normally show the appropriate limit via the user interface, so if the file is within the limit shown in the user interface, it's unlikely to be related to.htaccess.
    • If the webserver is IIS, there could be a filesize limit in IIS request filtering.
  • Check to see if a proxy server is being used. There could be an upload limit set on the proxy server.

For more information on file upload sizes, check out the  File upload size documentation this shows how to change limits on various server environments.
