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لقد تمت إزالة مشاركة المنتدى هذه
Thursday, 11 May 2017, 8:53 AM
تمت إزالة محتوى هذه المشاركة في المنتدى ولم يعد من الممكن الوصول إليها
Craig Eves
Re: Inconsistencies in language pack
بواسطة Monday, 15 May 2017, 5:14 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Rich

Thanks for making us aware of this - I looked at the EN US language pack and it does look as though this has been translated. This doesn't seem to be flowing through so I will follow up, it might be something not picking up the sub-language string.


Craig Eves
Re: Inconsistencies in language pack
بواسطة Monday, 15 May 2017, 5:43 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Rich

I tried to replicate on 9.2.2 and the US translation did appear for me as below when assign to job assignment. Can you clear the caches Site Admin >Development > Purge all caches


لقد تمت إزالة مشاركة المنتدى هذه
Tuesday, 16 May 2017, 6:59 AM
تمت إزالة محتوى هذه المشاركة في المنتدى ولم يعد من الممكن الوصول إليها