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Inactive users remains on declared interest list of the f2f sessions

? ?
Inactive users remains on declared interest list of the f2f sessions
de ? ? - Wednesday, 17 de May de 2017, 22:41

When a user has previously "declare interest" on a session, then later become inactive (i.e. account are suspended), the employee remains on the declare interest list. Would this be improved so the employee who left the organisation are removed from the declare interest list automatically? 

Craig Eves
Re: Inactive users remains on declared interest list of the f2f sessions
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 18 de May de 2017, 16:28
Grupo Totara

Hi Mei

The Declared Interest report - is an embedded report that can be modified by the report builder to include the User status field as a filter.


? ?
Re: Inactive users remains on declared interest list of the f2f sessions
de ? ? - Thursday, 18 de May de 2017, 17:20
Thanks Craig. We did use the filter but thought when someone left the organisation then his/her name shouldn't be even on the report at all, as they're no longer a valid employee for the trainings.
Craig Eves
Re: Inactive users remains on declared interest list of the f2f sessions
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 18 de May de 2017, 17:38
Grupo Totara

Hi Mei

There is a discussion on suspended/deleted users visibility preferences are at

In some circumstances suspended user details may want to be visible. You can add what you would prefer to the discussion to help us judge what direction to go.
