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Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources

Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
VirgosLaurent 发表于 2017年05月4日 Thursday 01:54


I can select various data sources in the report graph type column but in the report graph type pie I can only select one source (cf. picture)

is there a way to select various data sources in the report graph pie?

thank you

Craig Eves
Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2017年05月4日 Thursday 15:18
小组 Totara


I think this is by design - a pie chart only uses one data series and shows the amount compared to the total for the data series.


Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
VirgosLaurent 发表于 2017年05月4日 Thursday 23:36

Thank you Craig

So how can I do to build a report to obtain a pie like this one (cf. image) based on the Program Completion Source (or maybe based on other source) with this datas: is complete, is not started and in progress ?

Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
TuominenJussi 发表于 2017年05月5日 Friday 01:00

Hi Laurent,

You can do this by creating a report using course completition source.

You could set columns such as course name, is complete, is in progress and is not yet started.

Best regards,


Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
TuominenJussi 发表于 2017年05月5日 Friday 01:19

Sorry, should read the thread before answering - just noticed that this was already the path you have discussed with Craig - and the problem is the pie chart. Well, interesting to see what Craig says but you can illustrate the information you intended with the totara "stack" chart.

However, I must admit we use excel for all reporting mainly because we cannot use our organisation information. Our stucture is longer than hundred characters.

Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
VirgosLaurent 发表于 2017年05月5日 Friday 02:26

Thank you, Jussi I've made some good stacked column graphs but in our office we like pie charts too.

Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
?? 发表于 2017年05月8日 Monday 00:31

Thanks for raising this issue. Graphs are interesting for us too even we are not activile using them.

In many cases we would like to filter the results and prevent the user to access anything else but his/her slice of organisation data. 

How do you make the graph available in your office? 

Best regards,


Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
VirgosLaurent 发表于 2017年05月8日 Monday 23:13

Well that's our next step; filters and access!

We are building this graphs for our managers using their specific dashboard, but we are starting with that stuff and still thinking about.



Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
?? 发表于 2017年05月8日 Monday 23:54

Hello Laurent,

Thanks for your reply. 

Have you tried report graph block with saved (scheduled) report? 

It would be great to learn from your experiences  - we have so little time for Totara admin work and so many promising ideas to look at. If you want to discuss confidentially you can mail me

Best regards,



Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
VirgosLaurent 发表于 2017年05月9日 Tuesday 03:58

No we have not tried report graph block with saved (scheduled) report. It sounds good. I'll try this week

Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
?? 发表于 2017年05月9日 Tuesday 22:53


Here's just a quick example how to add this as report graph block into manager's dashboard.

1. When you have first created report and report pie graph, then go to Content tab:

Select Content Controls > "Any" or "All" - depending on your reporting needs.

Depending on your needs, select here Show by the user's current organisation... 

...or Show by the user:

You can also add more controls e.g. "Show records based on the completion date" > "The current financial year". 

Save changes.

2. Then go to Access tab and select role(s) - here I just select Staff manager. Save changes.

3. Go to Dashboard and add Report graph block, then select report & save.

4. Login as a manager - use a test account with direct reports or use Login as User. Here's what it looks like:



Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
?? 发表于 2017年05月5日 Friday 02:45

Hi Laurent,

Here's example:

Report source: program completion.

1. Set report Columns as shown below...

2 ...and graph settings:

Result is here - note there is User's Organisation as a Filter.



Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
VirgosLaurent 发表于 2017年05月5日 Friday 03:12

Great! I'm using so "user id number" + "count unique" instead of "user fullname" it works great thank you

missed this "status" field


Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
?? 发表于 2017年05月8日 Monday 00:07

This is good stuff - thanks Jani!

Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
AngusGeorge 发表于 2017年05月4日 Thursday 21:36
小组 Totara

Hi Laurent,

I've taken the liberty of upgrading your self-registered Totara Community account to that of a Subscriber.



Re: Totara 2.9 Pie Data Sources
VirgosLaurent 发表于 2017年05月4日 Thursday 23:02

Great thank you!