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Single document access across multiple courses/programmes

Andrew Baker
Single document access across multiple courses/programmes
von Andrew Baker – Thursday, 7 September 2017, 7:29 PM

Hi There,

We're using Totara Learn 9 and have a variety of roles that share some generic documents, company policies, risk register etc.

I'm trying to find a way that I can store these documents in a single place and link to them from within individual courses or activities. The only way I've figured out so far is to create a separate course to store these documents. Unfortunately that course then shows up in records of learning etc and we're really trying to keep it as simple as possible as our users are only in place for a very short time. 

With previous LMS's I've used, there was a repository function in place that was really easy to use (basically just a folder that you uploaded any type of file to). I've tried to figure out if (and how) the repository function in Totara could achieve the same result but to be honest the documentation has me really confused. Our users are completely external so can't use links to internal drives or document management systems like sharepoint.

Anyone, had to deal with this issue and come up with a solution. 


Craig Eves
Re: Single document access across multiple courses/programmes
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 7 September 2017, 8:26 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Andrew

Repositories are aimed at performing this function - the file system repository is one that can be setup on the server that Totara is installed on and files uploaded via a FTP application. Setup instructions are detailed on -(probably a  site-wide repository is required)  

Once the repository is setup with the files can be accessed via the file picker.

You can create an alias to the file so if the file changes all of the areas that use the file will be updated

Alternatively you could use the private file repository, upload files using Totara and use the file picker to add the file. Aliases can also be used for private files and if the user who uploaded the files leaves the file will still remain available.


Andrew Baker
Re: Single document access across multiple courses/programmes
von Andrew Baker – Sunday, 10 September 2017, 5:07 PM

Thanks for the reply Craig. I had been looking in the right place but the instructions are pretty vague and I didn't like the sound of having to set up a folder on the server. Though I have been playing around with the alias function today.

One of the main needs I was hoping to meet, is that a link (url) could be included in a module created in articulate storyline that didn't bring up or add anything to a learner's history or dashboard about a course. So I think maybe I might try course set up options so users can access resources in the course but the course itself isn't searchable/visible or reported anywhere.

Originally I set up a course called Reference and Documentation but had a few issues with people unable to access it via the elearning link and it suddenly appearing in records of learning.

Any ideas?

Craig Eves
Re: Single document access across multiple courses/programmes
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 10 September 2017, 7:18 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Andrew

If you aren't keen to use repositories then  another way is to create an extra topic in the course and make this a hidden topic.

The hidden topic can have file resources added to it - these files won't be visible but can be linked to from the SCORM through the resource  url for example http://site name/mod/resource/view.php?id=4


Craig Eves
Re: Single document access across multiple courses/programmes
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 10 September 2017, 7:40 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Andrew

Just reading my suggestion above this will solve the issue with the resource access not showing on the Record of Learning but it doesn't solve the original issue which was to have a single files across courses. This requires a repository and alias unless someone else has another idea. 
