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Same course in multiple categories

Evy De Bruyckere
Same course in multiple categories
על ידי Evy De Bruyckere בתאריך 27/12/2017, 06:30

Hi everyone

Is there a way to have the same course shown in several categories? Some courses fit in multiple categories.

I have found a workaround using tags, using other links to make it a separate course,..., but I would like to know if anything new has come up.

Kind regards


Re: Same course in multiple categories
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 27/12/2017, 18:50
קבוצה Totara

Hi Evy,

Its not possible at present, categories have to contain courses which are unique. I think a workaround would be to copy the courses and then rename them for the categories - such that the name/shortname/id number are different, so that they are actually no longer the same course. 

What sort of categories do you have? is it possible to create some kind of generic one for the courses in question?



Evy De Bruyckere
Re: Same course in multiple categories
על ידי Evy De Bruyckere בתאריך 27/12/2017, 22:38

Hi George

We will figure out a way to make it work, maybe by copying the course, or maybe by dividing the courses into subcategories.

Thank you for the quick reply!

Happy holidays,
