Totara Learn Open Discussions

Query: Virtual classroom software compatible with Totara

? ?
Query: Virtual classroom software compatible with Totara
de ? ? - Wednesday, 30 de November de 2016, 17:37

Hi all,

The Australian Bureau of Statistics is currently considering options for virtual classroom software compatible with Totara. Advice received from our IT department suggests that we will have some security issues with the BigBlueButton software.

If anyone is willing to speak to me about the virtual classroom software they currently use in Totara (including BigBlueButton) and their experiences with it please respond to this thread and I'll provide contact details.

Alternatively, if you have suggestions of suitable software I can investigate please note them below.

Kind regards,


Nevin Butcher
Re: Query: Virtual classroom software compatible with Totara
de Nevin Butcher - Sunday, 25 de February de 2018, 21:15
Hi Renae

We're in a similar boat - our Totara Partner recommended BBB but we were unable to get it up and running properly in our environment. (Qld Government)  Have you managed to find a suitable/decent replacement?

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