Totara Talent Experience Platform Release Notes

Security releases for Totara Learn 11.0 RC 1, 10.5, 9.16, 2.9.28, 2.7.36, 2.6.53, 2.5.60, 2.4.59 and 2.2.63 released 28th February 2018

Sam Hemelryk
Security releases for Totara Learn 11.0 RC 1, 10.5, 9.16, 2.9.28, 2.7.36, 2.6.53, 2.5.60, 2.4.59 and 2.2.63 released 28th February 2018
von Sam Hemelryk – Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 12:03 AM
Gruppe Totara

Hello everyone,

The following versions of Totara Learn have now been released:

These versions do contain security fixes, and for this reason we strongly recommend upgrade.
Each release also includes bug fixes and improvements.

A big thanks to the following people for their contributions to this release:

  • Dmitrii Metelkin at Catalyst AU - TL-16448
  • Eugene Venter at Catalyst NZ - TL-16696, TL-16721, TL-16799
  • Learning Pool - TL-16791
  • Pierre Guinoiseau at Catalyst NZ - TL-16896

Kind regards
Sam Hemelryk

Release Evergreen (28th February 2018):

Key:+ Evergreen only
Security issues:
TL-16789Added output filtering for event names within the calendar popup

Previously event names when displayed within the calendar popup were not being cleaned accurately.
They are now cleaned consistently and accurately before being output.
TL-16790Fixed web-services vulnerability that could return quiz result correctness to user without required access level

Quiz module web services used in mobile app allowed students to see results even if it was disabled in the settings.
TL-16814Fixed a typo in Moodle capability definitions that was leading to risks not being correctly registered

A typo had been introduced in 8 core capabilities that meant that the risks that wanted to register were not correctly registered.
These capabilities may have been assigned to roles in the system without the assigner being aware that there were risks associated with them.
We recommend you review the following capabilities and confirm that you are happy with the roles that they have been assigned to:
* moodle/user:managesyspages
* moodle/user:manageblocks
* moodle/user:manageownblocks
* moodle/user:manageownfiles
* moodle/user:ignoreuserquota
* moodle/my:configsyspages
* moodle/badges:manageownbadges
* moodle/badges:viewotherbadges
TL-16841Removed the ability to preview random group allocations within Courses

This functionality relied on setting the seed used by rand functions within PHP.
A consequence of which was that for short periods of time the seed used by PHP would not be randomly generated, but preset.
This could be used to make it easier to guess the result of randomised operations within several PHP functions, including some functions used by cryptographic routines within PHP and Totara.
The seed is no longer forced, and is now always randomly generated.
TL-16844Improved security and privacy of HTTP referrers

We have improved the existing "Secure referrers" setting to be compatible with browsers implementing the latest referrer policy recommendation from W3C. This setting improves user privacy by preventing external sites from tracking users via referrers.
TL-16859Prevented sending emails to admin before IPN request is verified by Paypal

The IPN endpoint for the Paypal enrolment method was sending an email to the site admin when the basic validation of the request parameters failed. An attacker could have used this to send potential malicious emails to the admin. With this patch an email is sent to the admin only after the successful verification of the IPN request data with Paypal. Additionally the script now validates if there's an active Paypal enrolment method for the given course.

The check for a connection error of the verification request to Paypal has been fixed. Now the CURL error of the last request stored in the CURL object is used instead of the return value of the request method which always returns either the response or an error.
New features:
TL-16433+Added tool to manage terms and conditions and obtain user consent

In order to facilitate GDPR subscriber compliance, a new admin tool is now available that allows the site administrator to create, edit, review/preview and delete terms and conditions.
Each term and condition can have one or more consent related user confirmation which may or may not be required.

The tool is not enabled by default, but can be enabled through the "enablesitepolicies" configuration setting.

If enabled, users will be required to view and consent to any current terms and conditions that they have not viewed and consented to before.
If the user doesn't accept all required terms and conditions they will be logged out.
TL-16747+Added the user data management plugin

This plugin allows users and administrators to manage users' data. A new collection of links is located under "Site administration -> Users -> User data management". Here you can manage global user data settings, configure purge and export profiles, see logs of purges and exports that have been scheduled or performed, and manage deleted users.

Note that deleted users are no longer listed under "Site administration -> Users -> Accounts -> Browse list of users". To manage deleted users (including undelete), you need to go to "Site administration -> Users -> User data management -> Deleted user accounts".

Purge profiles can be configured by administrators, and allow them to specify which data will be deleted. The purge profiles can be applied to users, deleting the data. Purge profiles can be applied to users manually. Users can also be configured to have a specific purge profile automatically applied on the condition that they are suspended or deleted, and site defaults for these actions can also be configured. Note that existing behaviour when users are suspended or deleted is not affected - the data listed on the delete user confirmation page will still be deleted, regardless of any purge profile which might apply to the user.

Export profiles can be configured by administrators, and allow them to specify which data can be exported. When granted the "totara/userdata:exportself" capability, users will then be able to run an export of their own data, which will create a downloadable file containing the specified data. Export must first be enabled in "Site administration -> Users -> User data management -> Settings".

This new feature provides sites with tools which will support them becoming GDPR compliant. By configuring purge profiles and purging data, sites can comply to GDPR rules which indicate what data must be removed and which must be retained, given their particular circumstances. By configuring export profiles and giving users the capability to perform the exports, sites can comply to GDPR rules which indicate what data must be made available to users, and exclude data which is inappropriate given their particular circumstances.

This initial release of the user data plugin contains many user data items (which each specify one type of data which can be deleted or exported), but is not a comprehensive collection. The sample of user data items shipped with this version, along with the core user data system, will provide third party developers with examples to start developing their own user data items. More user data items will be released in this branch over the next few releases. The intention is to provide user data items to allow purge and export of all user data which might be required to be deleted or exported to obtain GDPR compliance, before the GDPR rules come into effect.
For more information on the technical implementation of user data purge and export see User data developer documentation
Performance improvements:
TL-16189Moved audience learning plan creation from immediate execution onto adhoc task.

Before this change, when learning plans were created via an audience, they would be created immediately. This change moves the plan creation to an adhoc task that is executed on the next cron run. This reduces any risk of database problems and the task failing.
TL-16314Wrapped the Report builder create cache query in a transaction to relax locks on tables during cache regeneration in MySQL

Report Builder uses CREATE TABLE SELECT query to database in order to generate cache which might take long time to execute for big data sets.

In MySQL this query by default is executed in REPEATABLE READ isolation level and might lock certain tables included in the query. This leads to reduced performance, timeouts, and deadlocks of other areas that use same tables.

To improve performance and avoid deadlocks this query is now wrapped into transaction, which will set READ COMMITTED isolation level and relax locks during cache generation.

This will have no effect in other database engines.
TL-15027+Added a new capability to control who can create scheduled reports

There is a new "totara/reportbuilder:createscheduledreports" capability that allows a user to create scheduled reports. If a user does not have this capability, they will not see the "Scheduled Reports" section (ie with the "Create scheduled report" button) when they go to the "Reports" page via the Totara menubar.

Note the capability is separate and NOT related to the "totara/reportbuilder:managescheduledreports" capability; that capability allows users to see, edit or delete all scheduled reports in the system.
TL-15091+Added a users language restriction for conditional activity access

Access to an activity can now be restricted based on the users language.
TL-16137+The Background image on tiles in the featured links block can now be set to fill or fit in the tile

TL-16141+Added Program and Certification tiles to the Featured links block.

TL-16207+Removed support for obsolete "mssql" database driver

Totara Learn 11 requires PHP 7.1, the old MSSQL driver is supported in PHP 5.6 and below only, It is not available in PHP 7.1.
The official sqlsrv driver is available for PHP 7.1, and is supported on all operating systems.
Anyone using the old MSSQL driver should upgrade to the sqlsrv driver when they upgrade their server environment.
TL-16209+Removed fieldset headers from 360° Feedback questions

TL-16252+Added a new setting that allows persistent logins

When enabled then a "Remember login" option will appear on the login page.
Any user logging in can check this box to enable a persistent login, meaning that they won't get timed-out and have to log in again.
TL-16427Added more information about the delay before items appear in the recycle bin

* A message is displayed in the deletion confirmation dialog.
* A message is displayed when viewing the recycle bin if there are activities or resources that are yet to be processed.
TL-16520+Added tags functionality to programs and certifications

TL-16622Mustache string helper now accepts a variable for the string key

Previously when using the string helper in a mustache template, the key for the string needed to be known when creating the template. This improvement allows the key for the string to be added as a parameter for the template.
TL-16684+Removed database queries from rb_display functions in cohort association report sources

TL-16696+Added email footer string with context URL to alert messages

Some system alerts were missing URL to page with relevant details of the event. Now they are added in the message footer (when message is displayed in HTML format).
TL-16745+Imported Font Awesome 4.7.0

TL-16746+Added support for help icons next to checkboxes options

TL-16866+New Report builder graph setting "remove_empty_series"

Note that this setting works for orientation with data series in columns only. It is also not compatible with pie charts.
TL-16867+Added password expiration settings to accounts created via Self-registration with approval

TL-16910+Unused group_concat emulation was removed from Report Builder installation code

TL-16919+Added profile locking options to "Self-registration with approval" plugin

Bug fixes:
TL-10317Fixed dialog JavaScript within the Element Library

There was a JavaScript fault on the dialog page within the Element Library which stopped the dialogs used for testing purposes from opening.
This has now been fixed.
TL-10727Fixed next and previous month arrows in the calendar month block in RTL languages

This affected both the basis and roots themes.
Previously the next and previous arrows as used within the calendar month block pointed in the wrong direction when viewed using a RTL language.
This was due to an incorrect RTL ignore compilation directive.
The problem has been fixed in LESS, however those who have themes parenting the affected themes, and which use LESS from the parents will need to recompile.
TL-14423Unconfirmed self registered users now have a distinct user status and can be filtered by it

Users who have self registered but have not been confirmed now have a distinct 'unconfirmed' user status in report builder source that implements the common set of user fields. The user status filter now also contains an option to filter by unconfirmed users.
TL-14441Fixed the function marking programs as started on the cron

The program timestarted field was being correctly set by the course_in_progress event, however the mark_started() function was not running on existing records.
TL-15887+Fixed date filter validation with "after" and "before" options in Report Builder

Before, no validation message was shown when selecting an invalid range of dates in the Date filter when using the "after" and "before" options in reports. Now a proper validation is in place to ensure a valid date range is entered before searching.
TL-16284Standardised source field information as notification across all HR Import elements

TL-16499Fixed name collision with form fields in Appraisals when there are multiple goal questions

Added an extra parameter to the constructor of the customfield_base class which allows a custom suffix to be added along with the item id when the $suffix parameter is true. There is a default value for this parameter of an empty string so child classes will need to add this parameter to their constructors.

The parameter has also been added to functions that make customfield_base objects. These are customfield_definition, customfield_load_data and customfield_save_data.
TL-16537+Prevented Seminar events from being saved if booking conflicts found

Now, edition or creation of Seminar events that could result in booking conflict for some users are prevented and a warning about how many users will be in conflict will be displayed, as well as a link with the details of the users in conflict with the corresponding reason.
TL-16540Fixed yes_or_no display function in Report Builder not handling null value correctly

In the legacy version (rb_display_yes_or_no) nulls are handled by displaying an empty field, but in totara/reportbuilder/classes/rb/display/yes_or_no.php null values are displaying "No" as their output when it should be empty. This has been fixed.

Please note that the filter behaves as expected and although null values were displaying 'No' they would have not matched the 'No' value in the filter.
TL-16592Fixed typos in Seminar event minimum capacity help strings

Previously the strings were pointing to an invalid location for the Seminar general settings.
TL-16662Cleaned up orphaned data left after deleting empty course sets from within a Program or Certification

The orphaned data happens when there are no orphaned program courses but there are orphaned program course sets.
This is only known to affect sites running Totara Learn 2.7.3 or earlier.
An upgrade step has been added to remove any orphaned records from the database.
TL-16673Fixed error being thrown in Moodle course catalog when clicking "Expand all" with multiple layers of categories

TL-16689Fixed quiz preview preventing a user from performing an actual attempt

Previously a user who had previewed a quiz while holding a non-gradable role, could not attempt the same quiz when only holding a gradable role.
Changes in a users role are now dealt with and users who had previously previewed a quiz can now attempt the same quiz if they can no longer preview, but do have permission to take the quiz.
TL-16721Fixed seminar manager notifications not suppressed.

When adding bulk attendees and notify manager checkbox is unticked, manager notification was sent anyway.
TL-16741Inputs are no longer shown for questions the user cannot provide answers for within Appraisals

TL-16742Fixed a fatal error within the quiz module statistics report after a multiple answer multichoice question was deleted

TL-16748Prevented users from signing up to a cancelled Seminar sessions by following the emailed direct link

TL-16749Fixed a regression from TL-14803 to allow HTML in mod certificate custom text

This patch fixes a regression caused by TL-14803 which affected the display of the custom text when used with multilang content in all versions back to 2.7. Data has not been affected with the regression. The change updates the use of format_string() function to format_text().
TL-16754Fixed alignment of buttons in Totara Forms

This affected both the basis and roots themes. The problem has been fixed in LESS, those who have themes parenting the affected themes, and which use LESS from the parents will need to recompile.
TL-16759Enabled answers in Appraisals to display for roles that have no user associated with them or the user has been deleted

In the populate_roles_element function in the appraisal_question class empty question roles are no longer excluded from the appraisal question role info.
TL-16761Fixed Seminar notification templates remaining enabled at a the Seminar level after being disabled globally

This patch includes a fix for a local Seminar event registration notification not being disabled after propagating global settings for it.

It also includes the fix for a case when notification is disabled, but a user still sees checkboxes or dropdown prompting whether the notification should be sent.
TL-16767Fixed a layout problem when adding an activity restriction

TL-16776Improved the display of the gradebook report in IE

Previously column headers and users names were getting out of sync with their results in the gradebook with IE11. This is now fixed
TL-16791Fixed Certificate generation when using Traditional Chinese (zh_tw)

TL-16793Fixed an "action not allowed" error after setting executable path for ClamAV plugin

TL-16796The link to create a new asset/room is no longer obstructed when editing a Seminar event

TL-16798Fixed a pagination error when searching rooms within a Seminar activity

TL-16818Email signup with a custom field validates correctly

When a user custom field was added and a new user signed up using email signup, the validating JavaScript encountered an error that prevented correct validation.
This has now been fixed and validation works correctly.
TL-16826+Fixed a regression from TL-15995 and created an upgrade step to remove an incorrect plugin name from the config_plugins table

This is a regression that will affect anyone who has upgraded to the Dec 2017, or Jan 2018 Evergreen releases. The regression was harmless other than leaving one incorrectly created config record which has been cleaned up by this change.
TL-16836Close button on new modal library functions correctly and closes the dialog

TL-16847Fixed the 'Event cancelled' status not being displayed if the Seminar sign-up period is specified

When viewing information related to an event in a Seminar that had sign-up period specified the column status was not being updated if the event was cancelled.

"Event cancelled" status should have priority over any other event status.
TL-16880HTML title attribute is no longer displayed if not set on a tab object

TL-16896Unit tests for LTI now pass when using a custom exttests URL

This affected developers running PHPUnit against custom exttests directories.
If done the LTI tests would have been failing due to a dynamic check against a hardcoded URL in a fixture.
The test has been corrected.
TL-16900Fixed subscribed users being shown in potential and existing forum subscriber lists

When subscribing users to a forum users that are already subscribed are no longer shown in the potential subscribers list after clearing search options.
TL-16955Added a workaround for sqlsrv driver locking up during restore

In rare cases during the restoration of a large course MSSQL, would end up in a locked state whilst waiting for two conflicting deadlocks.
This occurred due to a table being both read-from and written-to within a single transaction.
TL-17105Reverted incorrect changes to automated backups from TL-16300

API changes:
TL-16378+Hub functionality has been deprecated

Community hub functionality has been deprecated in this release, and will be removed altogether in the next major release.

The links to the community hub registration and the publish course page have been removed. The pages can still be accessed directly ('/admin/registration/index.php' and '/course/publish/index.php?id=COURSEID'). The block 'Community finder' will still be visible after upgrading an existing Totara Learn 11 installation. On a fresh installation however the block will be deactivated by default. There is the option to reactivate the block in the administration interface.
TL-16448+Report Builder transformation display names are now collected through a method

Previously Report Builder transformations were expected to have a string within totara_core.
The string used for transformations is now fetched through a method that can be overridden by the transformation.
This allows strings to be co-located with their translations, and no longer requires non-core developers to make core changes when introducing transformations.
TL-16525Fixed linting errors when copying Basis to create another theme

Themes that were copied prior to this issue being resolved will need to adjust both theme/<themename>/bootswatch/bootswatch.less and theme/<themename>/bootswatch/variables.less to conform with lint rules (these have been updated in basis to pass lint rules)
Dmitrii Metelkin at Catalyst AU - TL-16448
Eugene Venter at Catalyst NZ - TL-16696, TL-16721
Learning Pool - TL-16791
Pierre Guinoiseau at Catalyst NZ - TL-16896

Release 10.5 (28th February 2018):

Security issues:
TL-16789Added output filtering for event names within the calendar popup

Previously event names when displayed within the calendar popup were not being cleaned accurately.
They are now cleaned consistently and accurately before being output.
TL-16790Fixed web-services vulnerability that could return quiz result correctness to user without required access level

Quiz module web services used in mobile app allowed students to see results even if it was disabled in the settings.
TL-16814Fixed a typo in Moodle capability definitions that was leading to risks not being correctly registered

A typo had been introduced in 8 core capabilities that meant that the risks that wanted to register were not correctly registered.
These capabilities may have been assigned to roles in the system without the assigner being aware that there were risks associated with them.
We recommend you review the following capabilities and confirm that you are happy with the roles that they have been assigned to:
* moodle/user:managesyspages
* moodle/user:manageblocks
* moodle/user:manageownblocks
* moodle/user:manageownfiles
* moodle/user:ignoreuserquota
* moodle/my:configsyspages
* moodle/badges:manageownbadges
* moodle/badges:viewotherbadges
TL-16841Removed the ability to preview random group allocations within Courses

This functionality relied on setting the seed used by rand functions within PHP.
A consequence of which was that for short periods of time the seed used by PHP would not be randomly generated, but preset.
This could be used to make it easier to guess the result of randomised operations within several PHP functions, including some functions used by cryptographic routines within PHP and Totara.
The seed is no longer forced, and is now always randomly generated.
TL-16844Improved security and privacy of HTTP referrers

We have improved the existing "Secure referrers" setting to be compatible with browsers implementing the latest referrer policy recommendation from W3C. This setting improves user privacy by preventing external sites from tracking users via referrers.
TL-16859Prevented sending emails to admin before IPN request is verified by Paypal

The IPN endpoint for the Paypal enrolment method was sending an email to the site admin when the basic validation of the request parameters failed. An attacker could have used this to send potential malicious emails to the admin. With this patch an email is sent to the admin only after the successful verification of the IPN request data with Paypal. Additionally the script now validates if there's an active Paypal enrolment method for the given course.

The check for a connection error of the verification request to Paypal has been fixed. Now the CURL error of the last request stored in the CURL object is used instead of the return value of the request method which always returns either the response or an error.
Performance improvements:
TL-16189Moved audience learning plan creation from immediate execution onto adhoc task.

Before this change, when learning plans were created via an audience, they would be created immediately. This change moves the plan creation to an adhoc task that is executed on the next cron run. This reduces any risk of database problems and the task failing.
TL-16314Wrapped the Report builder create cache query in a transaction to relax locks on tables during cache regeneration in MySQL

Report Builder uses CREATE TABLE SELECT query to database in order to generate cache which might take long time to execute for big data sets.

In MySQL this query by default is executed in REPEATABLE READ isolation level and might lock certain tables included in the query. This leads to reduced performance, timeouts, and deadlocks of other areas that use same tables.

To improve performance and avoid deadlocks this query is now wrapped into transaction, which will set READ COMMITTED isolation level and relax locks during cache generation.

This will have no effect in other database engines.
TL-16427Added more information about the delay before items appear in the recycle bin

* A message is displayed in the deletion confirmation dialog.
* A message is displayed when viewing the recycle bin if there are activities or resources that are yet to be processed.
TL-16622Mustache string helper now accepts a variable for the string key

Previously when using the string helper in a mustache template, the key for the string needed to be known when creating the template. This improvement allows the key for the string to be added as a parameter for the template.
Bug fixes:
TL-10317Fixed dialog JavaScript within the Element Library

There was a JavaScript fault on the dialog page within the Element Library which stopped the dialogs used for testing purposes from opening.
This has now been fixed.
TL-10727Fixed next and previous month arrows in the calendar month block in RTL languages

This affected both the basis and roots themes.
Previously the next and previous arrows as used within the calendar month block pointed in the wrong direction when viewed using a RTL language.
This was due to an incorrect RTL ignore compilation directive.
The problem has been fixed in LESS, however those who have themes parenting the affected themes, and which use LESS from the parents will need to recompile.
TL-14423Unconfirmed self registered users now have a distinct user status and can be filtered by it

Users who have self registered but have not been confirmed now have a distinct 'unconfirmed' user status in report builder source that implements the common set of user fields. The user status filter now also contains an option to filter by unconfirmed users.
TL-14441Fixed the function marking programs as started on the cron

The program timestarted field was being correctly set by the course_in_progress event, however the mark_started() function was not running on existing records.
TL-16284Standardised source field information as notification across all HR Import elements

TL-16499Fixed name collision with form fields in Appraisals when there are multiple goal questions

Added an extra parameter to the constructor of the customfield_base class which allows a custom suffix to be added along with the item id when the $suffix parameter is true. There is a default value for this parameter of an empty string so child classes will need to add this parameter to their constructors.

The parameter has also been added to functions that make customfield_base objects. These are customfield_definition, customfield_load_data and customfield_save_data.
TL-16540Fixed yes_or_no display function in Report Builder not handling null value correctly

In the legacy version (rb_display_yes_or_no) nulls are handled by displaying an empty field, but in totara/reportbuilder/classes/rb/display/yes_or_no.php null values are displaying "No" as their output when it should be empty. This has been fixed.

Please note that the filter behaves as expected and although null values were displaying 'No' they would have not matched the 'No' value in the filter.
TL-16592Fixed typos in Seminar event minimum capacity help strings

Previously the strings were pointing to an invalid location for the Seminar general settings.
TL-16662Cleaned up orphaned data left after deleting empty course sets from within a Program or Certification

The orphaned data happens when there are no orphaned program courses but there are orphaned program course sets.
This is only known to affect sites running Totara Learn 2.7.3 or earlier.
An upgrade step has been added to remove any orphaned records from the database.
TL-16673Fixed error being thrown in Moodle course catalog when clicking "Expand all" with multiple layers of categories

TL-16689Fixed quiz preview preventing a user from performing an actual attempt

Previously a user who had previewed a quiz while holding a non-gradable role, could not attempt the same quiz when only holding a gradable role.
Changes in a users role are now dealt with and users who had previously previewed a quiz can now attempt the same quiz if they can no longer preview, but do have permission to take the quiz.
TL-16721Fixed seminar manager notifications not suppressed.

When adding bulk attendees and notify manager checkbox is unticked, manager notification was sent anyway.
TL-16741Inputs are no longer shown for questions the user cannot provide answers for within Appraisals

TL-16742Fixed a fatal error within the quiz module statistics report after a multiple answer multichoice question was deleted

TL-16748Prevented users from signing up to a cancelled Seminar sessions by following the emailed direct link

TL-16749Fixed a regression from TL-14803 to allow HTML in mod certificate custom text

This patch fixes a regression caused by TL-14803 which affected the display of the custom text when used with multilang content in all versions back to 2.7. Data has not been affected with the regression. The change updates the use of format_string() function to format_text().
TL-16754Fixed alignment of buttons in Totara Forms

This affected both the basis and roots themes. The problem has been fixed in LESS, those who have themes parenting the affected themes, and which use LESS from the parents will need to recompile.
TL-16759Enabled answers in Appraisals to display for roles that have no user associated with them or the user has been deleted

In the populate_roles_element function in the appraisal_question class empty question roles are no longer excluded from the appraisal question role info.
TL-16761Fixed Seminar notification templates remaining enabled at a the Seminar level after being disabled globally

This patch includes a fix for a local Seminar event registration notification not being disabled after propagating global settings for it.

It also includes the fix for a case when notification is disabled, but a user still sees checkboxes or dropdown prompting whether the notification should be sent.
TL-16767Fixed a layout problem when adding an activity restriction

TL-16776Improved the display of the gradebook report in IE

Previously column headers and users names were getting out of sync with their results in the gradebook with IE11. This is now fixed
TL-16791Fixed Certificate generation when using Traditional Chinese (zh_tw)

TL-16793Fixed an "action not allowed" error after setting executable path for ClamAV plugin

TL-16796The link to create a new asset/room is no longer obstructed when editing a Seminar event

TL-16798Fixed a pagination error when searching rooms within a Seminar activity

TL-16818Email signup with a custom field validates correctly

When a user custom field was added and a new user signed up using email signup, the validating JavaScript encountered an error that prevented correct validation.
This has now been fixed and validation works correctly.
TL-16825Fixed Bug in Featured links block course tile content form for courses with the same fullname

Removed code that did nothing but throw errors.
TL-16836Close button on new modal library functions correctly and closes the dialog

TL-16847Fixed the 'Event cancelled' status not being displayed if the Seminar sign-up period is specified

When viewing information related to an event in a Seminar that had sign-up period specified the column status was not being updated if the event was cancelled.

"Event cancelled" status should have priority over any other event status.
TL-16880HTML title attribute is no longer displayed if not set on a tab object

TL-16896Unit tests for LTI now pass when using a custom exttests URL

This affected developers running PHPUnit against custom exttests directories.
If done the LTI tests would have been failing due to a dynamic check against a hardcoded URL in a fixture.
The test has been corrected.
TL-16900Fixed subscribed users being shown in potential and existing forum subscriber lists

When subscribing users to a forum users that are already subscribed are no longer shown in the potential subscribers list after clearing search options.
TL-16955Added a workaround for sqlsrv driver locking up during restore

In rare cases during the restoration of a large course MSSQL, would end up in a locked state whilst waiting for two conflicting deadlocks.
This occurred due to a table being both read-from and written-to within a single transaction.
TL-17105Reverted incorrect changes to automated backups from TL-16300

API changes:
TL-16525Fixed linting errors when copying Basis to create another theme

Themes that were copied prior to this issue being resolved will need to adjust both theme/<themename>/bootswatch/bootswatch.less and theme/<themename>/bootswatch/variables.less to conform with lint rules (these have been updated in basis to pass lint rules)
Eugene Venter at Catalyst NZ - TL-16721
Learning Pool - TL-16791
Pierre Guinoiseau at Catalyst NZ - TL-16896

Release 9.16 (28th February 2018):

Security issues:
TL-16789Added output filtering for event names within the calendar popup

Previously event names when displayed within the calendar popup were not being cleaned accurately.
They are now cleaned consistently and accurately before being output.
TL-16814Fixed a typo in Moodle capability definitions that was leading to risks not being correctly registered

A typo had been introduced in 8 core capabilities that meant that the risks that wanted to register were not correctly registered.
These capabilities may have been assigned to roles in the system without the assigner being aware that there were risks associated with them.
We recommend you review the following capabilities and confirm that you are happy with the roles that they have been assigned to:
* moodle/user:managesyspages
* moodle/user:manageblocks
* moodle/user:manageownblocks
* moodle/user:manageownfiles
* moodle/user:ignoreuserquota
* moodle/my:configsyspages
* moodle/badges:manageownbadges
* moodle/badges:viewotherbadges
TL-16841Removed the ability to preview random group allocations within Courses

This functionality relied on setting the seed used by rand functions within PHP.
A consequence of which was that for short periods of time the seed used by PHP would not be randomly generated, but preset.
This could be used to make it easier to guess the result of randomised operations within several PHP functions, including some functions used by cryptographic routines within PHP and Totara.
The seed is no longer forced, and is now always randomly generated.
TL-16844Improved security and privacy of HTTP referrers

We have improved the existing "Secure referrers" setting to be compatible with browsers implementing the latest referrer policy recommendation from W3C. This setting improves user privacy by preventing external sites from tracking users via referrers.
TL-16859Prevented sending emails to admin before IPN request is verified by Paypal

The IPN endpoint for the Paypal enrolment method was sending an email to the site admin when the basic validation of the request parameters failed. An attacker could have used this to send potential malicious emails to the admin. With this patch an email is sent to the admin only after the successful verification of the IPN request data with Paypal. Additionally the script now validates if there's an active Paypal enrolment method for the given course.

The check for a connection error of the verification request to Paypal has been fixed. Now the CURL error of the last request stored in the CURL object is used instead of the return value of the request method which always returns either the response or an error.
TL-16956Added additional checks to CLI scripts to ensure that they can not be accessed via web requests

A small number of scripts designed to be run via CLI were found not to be adequately checking that the script was truly being executed from the command line.
All CLI scripts have been reviewed, and those found to be missing the required checks have been updated.
Performance improvements:
TL-16189Moved audience learning plan creation from immediate execution onto adhoc task.

Before this change, when learning plans were created via an audience, they would be created immediately. This change moves the plan creation to an adhoc task that is executed on the next cron run. This reduces any risk of database problems and the task failing.
TL-16314Wrapped the Report builder create cache query in a transaction to relax locks on tables during cache regeneration in MySQL

Report Builder uses CREATE TABLE SELECT query to database in order to generate cache which might take long time to execute for big data sets.

In MySQL this query by default is executed in REPEATABLE READ isolation level and might lock certain tables included in the query. This leads to reduced performance, timeouts, and deadlocks of other areas that use same tables.

To improve performance and avoid deadlocks this query is now wrapped into transaction, which will set READ COMMITTED isolation level and relax locks during cache generation.

This will have no effect in other database engines.
TL-16764Course activities and types are now in alphabetical order when using the enhanced catalog

This also makes the sort order locale aware (so users using Spanish language will have a different order to those using English).

This is a backport of TL-12741 which was included in the Totara Learn 10.0 release.
Bug fixes:
TL-10317Fixed dialog JavaScript within the Element Library

There was a JavaScript fault on the dialog page within the Element Library which stopped the dialogs used for testing purposes from opening.
This has now been fixed.
TL-16499Fixed name collision with form fields in Appraisals when there are multiple goal questions

Added an extra parameter to the constructor of the customfield_base class which allows a custom suffix to be added along with the item id when the $suffix parameter is true. There is a default value for this parameter of an empty string so child classes will need to add this parameter to their constructors.

The parameter has also been added to functions that make customfield_base objects. These are customfield_definition, customfield_load_data and customfield_save_data.
TL-16540Fixed yes_or_no display function in Report Builder not handling null value correctly

In the legacy version (rb_display_yes_or_no) nulls are handled by displaying an empty field, but in totara/reportbuilder/classes/rb/display/yes_or_no.php null values are displaying "No" as their output when it should be empty. This has been fixed.

Please note that the filter behaves as expected and although null values were displaying 'No' they would have not matched the 'No' value in the filter.
TL-16592Fixed typos in Seminar event minimum capacity help strings

Previously the strings were pointing to an invalid location for the Seminar general settings.
TL-16662Cleaned up orphaned data left after deleting empty course sets from within a Program or Certification

The orphaned data happens when there are no orphaned program courses but there are orphaned program course sets.
This is only known to affect sites running Totara Learn 2.7.3 or earlier.
An upgrade step has been added to remove any orphaned records from the database.
TL-16673Fixed error being thrown in Moodle course catalog when clicking "Expand all" with multiple layers of categories

TL-16721Fixed seminar manager notifications not suppressed.

When adding bulk attendees and notify manager checkbox is unticked, manager notification was sent anyway.
TL-16741Inputs are no longer shown for questions the user cannot provide answers for within Appraisals

TL-16742Fixed a fatal error within the quiz module statistics report after a multiple answer multichoice question was deleted

TL-16748Prevented users from signing up to a cancelled Seminar sessions by following the emailed direct link

TL-16749Fixed a regression from TL-14803 to allow HTML in mod certificate custom text

This patch fixes a regression caused by TL-14803 which affected the display of the custom text when used with multilang content in all versions back to 2.7. Data has not been affected with the regression. The change updates the use of format_string() function to format_text().
TL-16759Enabled answers in Appraisals to display for roles that have no user associated with them or the user has been deleted

In the populate_roles_element function in the appraisal_question class empty question roles are no longer excluded from the appraisal question role info.
TL-16761Fixed Seminar notification templates remaining enabled at a the Seminar level after being disabled globally

This patch includes a fix for a local Seminar event registration notification not being disabled after propagating global settings for it.

It also includes the fix for a case when notification is disabled, but a user still sees checkboxes or dropdown prompting whether the notification should be sent.
TL-16776Improved the display of the gradebook report in IE

Previously column headers and users names were getting out of sync with their results in the gradebook with IE11. This is now fixed
TL-16791Fixed Certificate generation when using Traditional Chinese (zh_tw)

TL-16798Fixed a pagination error when searching rooms within a Seminar activity

TL-16799Fixed exported ID in the Course Completion report

Backported a fix applied to T10 and T11 that fixes an error with exports of the course completion report (Course administration > Reports > Course completion) and removes html tags from the output.
TL-16813Grading by rubric now works when using the keyboard only

TL-16847Fixed the 'Event cancelled' status not being displayed if the Seminar sign-up period is specified

When viewing information related to an event in a Seminar that had sign-up period specified the column status was not being updated if the event was cancelled.

"Event cancelled" status should have priority over any other event status.
TL-16955Added a workaround for sqlsrv driver locking up during restore

In rare cases during the restoration of a large course MSSQL, would end up in a locked state whilst waiting for two conflicting deadlocks.
This occurred due to a table being both read-from and written-to within a single transaction.
TL-17105Reverted incorrect changes to automated backups from TL-16300

Eugene Venter at Catalyst NZ - TL-16721, TL-16799
Learning Pool - TL-16791

Release 2.9.28 (28th February 2018):

Security issues:
TL-16789Added output filtering for event names within the calendar popup

Previously event names when displayed within the calendar popup were not being cleaned accurately.
They are now cleaned consistently and accurately before being output.
TL-16841Removed the ability to preview random group allocations within Courses

This functionality relied on setting the seed used by rand functions within PHP.
A consequence of which was that for short periods of time the seed used by PHP would not be randomly generated, but preset.
This could be used to make it easier to guess the result of randomised operations within several PHP functions, including some functions used by cryptographic routines within PHP and Totara.
The seed is no longer forced, and is now always randomly generated.
TL-16844Improved security and privacy of HTTP referrers

We have improved the existing "Secure referrers" setting to be compatible with browsers implementing the latest referrer policy recommendation from W3C. This setting improves user privacy by preventing external sites from tracking users via referrers.
TL-16859Prevented sending emails to admin before IPN request is verified by Paypal

The IPN endpoint for the Paypal enrolment method was sending an email to the site admin when the basic validation of the request parameters failed. An attacker could have used this to send potential malicious emails to the admin. With this patch an email is sent to the admin only after the successful verification of the IPN request data with Paypal. Additionally the script now validates if there's an active Paypal enrolment method for the given course.

The check for a connection error of the verification request to Paypal has been fixed. Now the CURL error of the last request stored in the CURL object is used instead of the return value of the request method which always returns either the response or an error.
TL-16956Added additional checks to CLI scripts to ensure that they can not be accessed via web requests

A small number of scripts designed to be run via CLI were found not to be adequately checking that the script was truly being executed from the command line.
All CLI scripts have been reviewed, and those found to be missing the required checks have been updated.
Bug fixes:
TL-16662Cleaned up orphaned data left after deleting empty course sets from within a Program or Certification

The orphaned data happens when there are no orphaned program courses but there are orphaned program course sets.
This is only known to affect sites running Totara Learn 2.7.3 or earlier.
An upgrade step has been added to remove any orphaned records from the database.
TL-16673Fixed error being thrown in Moodle course catalog when clicking "Expand all" with multiple layers of categories

TL-16749Fixed a regression from TL-14803 to allow HTML in mod certificate custom text

This patch fixes a regression caused by TL-14803 which affected the display of the custom text when used with multilang content in all versions back to 2.7. Data has not been affected with the regression. The change updates the use of format_string() function to format_text().
TL-16759Enabled answers in Appraisals to display for roles that have no user associated with them or the user has been deleted

In the populate_roles_element function in the appraisal_question class empty question roles are no longer excluded from the appraisal question role info.
TL-16791Fixed Certificate generation when using Traditional Chinese (zh_tw)

TL-16955Added a workaround for sqlsrv driver locking up during restore

In rare cases during the restoration of a large course MSSQL, would end up in a locked state whilst waiting for two conflicting deadlocks.
This occurred due to a table being both read-from and written-to within a single transaction.
Learning Pool - TL-16791

Release 2.7.36 (28th February 2018):

Security issues:
TL-16735Fixed SSRF Vulnerability in repositories

Security token added to repository download URLs.
TL-16841Removed the ability to preview random group allocations within Courses

This functionality relied on setting the seed used by rand functions within PHP.
A consequence of which was that for short periods of time the seed used by PHP would not be randomly generated, but preset.
This could be used to make it easier to guess the result of randomised operations within several PHP functions, including some functions used by cryptographic routines within PHP and Totara.
The seed is no longer forced, and is now always randomly generated.
TL-16844Improved security and privacy of HTTP referrers

We have improved the existing "Secure referrers" setting to be compatible with browsers implementing the latest referrer policy recommendation from W3C. This setting improves user privacy by preventing external sites from tracking users via referrers.
TL-16859Prevented sending emails to admin before IPN request is verified by Paypal

The IPN endpoint for the Paypal enrolment method was sending an email to the site admin when the basic validation of the request parameters failed. An attacker could have used this to send potential malicious emails to the admin. With this patch an email is sent to the admin only after the successful verification of the IPN request data with Paypal. Additionally the script now validates if there's an active Paypal enrolment method for the given course.

The check for a connection error of the verification request to Paypal has been fixed. Now the CURL error of the last request stored in the CURL object is used instead of the return value of the request method which always returns either the response or an error.
TL-16956Added additional checks to CLI scripts to ensure that they can not be accessed via web requests

A small number of scripts designed to be run via CLI were found not to be adequately checking that the script was truly being executed from the command line.
All CLI scripts have been reviewed, and those found to be missing the required checks have been updated.
Bug fixes:
TL-16662Cleaned up orphaned data left after deleting empty course sets from within a Program or Certification

The orphaned data happens when there are no orphaned program courses but there are orphaned program course sets.
This is only known to affect sites running Totara Learn 2.7.3 or earlier.
An upgrade step has been added to remove any orphaned records from the database.
TL-16749Fixed a regression from TL-14803 to allow HTML in mod certificate custom text

This patch fixes a regression caused by TL-14803 which affected the display of the custom text when used with multilang content in all versions back to 2.7. Data has not been affected with the regression. The change updates the use of format_string() function to format_text().
TL-16759Enabled answers in Appraisals to display for roles that have no user associated with them or the user has been deleted

In the populate_roles_element function in the appraisal_question class empty question roles are no longer excluded from the appraisal question role info.
TL-16832Added functionality to fix duplicated Face-to-face notifications

In extremely rare cases the automatic notifications for Face-to-face are being duplicated. If this happens, a warning box will appear for course administrators on the session or notifications pages and it will be possible to remove the duplicated notifications leaving only the required ones.
TL-16955Added a workaround for sqlsrv driver locking up during restore

In rare cases during the restoration of a large course MSSQL, would end up in a locked state whilst waiting for two conflicting deadlocks.
This occurred due to a table being both read-from and written-to within a single transaction.

Release 2.6.53 (28th February 2018):

Security issues:
TL-16735Fixed SSRF Vulnerability in repositories

Security token added to repository download URLs.
TL-16841Removed the ability to preview random group allocations within Courses

This functionality relied on setting the seed used by rand functions within PHP.
A consequence of which was that for short periods of time the seed used by PHP would not be randomly generated, but preset.
This could be used to make it easier to guess the result of randomised operations within several PHP functions, including some functions used by cryptographic routines within PHP and Totara.
The seed is no longer forced, and is now always randomly generated.
TL-16859Prevented sending emails to admin before IPN request is verified by Paypal

The IPN endpoint for the Paypal enrolment method was sending an email to the site admin when the basic validation of the request parameters failed. An attacker could have used this to send potential malicious emails to the admin. With this patch an email is sent to the admin only after the successful verification of the IPN request data with Paypal. Additionally the script now validates if there's an active Paypal enrolment method for the given course.

The check for a connection error of the verification request to Paypal has been fixed. Now the CURL error of the last request stored in the CURL object is used instead of the return value of the request method which always returns either the response or an error.
TL-16956Added additional checks to CLI scripts to ensure that they can not be accessed via web requests

A small number of scripts designed to be run via CLI were found not to be adequately checking that the script was truly being executed from the command line.
All CLI scripts have been reviewed, and those found to be missing the required checks have been updated.
Bug fixes:
TL-16662Cleaned up orphaned data left after deleting empty course sets from within a Program or Certification

The orphaned data happens when there are no orphaned program courses but there are orphaned program course sets.
This is only known to affect sites running Totara Learn 2.7.3 or earlier.
An upgrade step has been added to remove any orphaned records from the database.
TL-16759Enabled answers in Appraisals to display for roles that have no user associated with them or the user has been deleted

In the populate_roles_element function in the appraisal_question class empty question roles are no longer excluded from the appraisal question role info.

Release 2.5.60 (28th February 2018):

Security issues:
TL-16735Fixed SSRF Vulnerability in repositories

Security token added to repository download URLs.
TL-16841Removed the ability to preview random group allocations within Courses

This functionality relied on setting the seed used by rand functions within PHP.
A consequence of which was that for short periods of time the seed used by PHP would not be randomly generated, but preset.
This could be used to make it easier to guess the result of randomised operations within several PHP functions, including some functions used by cryptographic routines within PHP and Totara.
The seed is no longer forced, and is now always randomly generated.
TL-16859Prevented sending emails to admin before IPN request is verified by Paypal

The IPN endpoint for the Paypal enrolment method was sending an email to the site admin when the basic validation of the request parameters failed. An attacker could have used this to send potential malicious emails to the admin. With this patch an email is sent to the admin only after the successful verification of the IPN request data with Paypal. Additionally the script now validates if there's an active Paypal enrolment method for the given course.

The check for a connection error of the verification request to Paypal has been fixed. Now the CURL error of the last request stored in the CURL object is used instead of the return value of the request method which always returns either the response or an error.
TL-16956Added additional checks to CLI scripts to ensure that they can not be accessed via web requests

A small number of scripts designed to be run via CLI were found not to be adequately checking that the script was truly being executed from the command line.
All CLI scripts have been reviewed, and those found to be missing the required checks have been updated.
Bug fixes:
TL-16759Enabled answers in Appraisals to display for roles that have no user associated with them or the user has been deleted

In the populate_roles_element function in the appraisal_question class empty question roles are no longer excluded from the appraisal question role info.

Release 2.4.59 (28th February 2018):

Security issues:
TL-16735Fixed SSRF Vulnerability in repositories

Security token added to repository download URLs.
TL-16841Removed the ability to preview random group allocations within Courses

This functionality relied on setting the seed used by rand functions within PHP.
A consequence of which was that for short periods of time the seed used by PHP would not be randomly generated, but preset.
This could be used to make it easier to guess the result of randomised operations within several PHP functions, including some functions used by cryptographic routines within PHP and Totara.
The seed is no longer forced, and is now always randomly generated.
TL-16859Prevented sending emails to admin before IPN request is verified by Paypal

The IPN endpoint for the Paypal enrolment method was sending an email to the site admin when the basic validation of the request parameters failed. An attacker could have used this to send potential malicious emails to the admin. With this patch an email is sent to the admin only after the successful verification of the IPN request data with Paypal. Additionally the script now validates if there's an active Paypal enrolment method for the given course.

The check for a connection error of the verification request to Paypal has been fixed. Now the CURL error of the last request stored in the CURL object is used instead of the return value of the request method which always returns either the response or an error.
TL-16956Added additional checks to CLI scripts to ensure that they can not be accessed via web requests

A small number of scripts designed to be run via CLI were found not to be adequately checking that the script was truly being executed from the command line.
All CLI scripts have been reviewed, and those found to be missing the required checks have been updated.

Release 2.2.63 (28th February 2018):

Security issues:
TL-16841Removed the ability to preview random group allocations within Courses

This functionality relied on setting the seed used by rand functions within PHP.
A consequence of which was that for short periods of time the seed used by PHP would not be randomly generated, but preset.
This could be used to make it easier to guess the result of randomised operations within several PHP functions, including some functions used by cryptographic routines within PHP and Totara.
The seed is no longer forced, and is now always randomly generated.
TL-16859Prevented sending emails to admin before IPN request is verified by Paypal

The IPN endpoint for the Paypal enrolment method was sending an email to the site admin when the basic validation of the request parameters failed. An attacker could have used this to send potential malicious emails to the admin. With this patch an email is sent to the admin only after the successful verification of the IPN request data with Paypal. Additionally the script now validates if there's an active Paypal enrolment method for the given course.

The check for a connection error of the verification request to Paypal has been fixed. Now the CURL error of the last request stored in the CURL object is used instead of the return value of the request method which always returns either the response or an error.
TL-16956Added additional checks to CLI scripts to ensure that they can not be accessed via web requests

A small number of scripts designed to be run via CLI were found not to be adequately checking that the script was truly being executed from the command line.
All CLI scripts have been reviewed, and those found to be missing the required checks have been updated.
Sam Hemelryk
Re: Security releases for Totara Learn 11.0 RC 1, 10.5, 9.16, 2.9.28, 2.7.36, 2.6.53, 2.5.60, 2.4.59 and 2.2.63 released 28th February 2018
von Sam Hemelryk – Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 1:30 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hello everyone,

The release notes for the latest release as posted in the release forum have just been updated.

It was brought to my attention that the two new features related to GDPR work were not mentioned.
This has been fixed now, and the release notes post updated.

My apologies for the mix up.

Kind regards