Totara Learn Open Discussions

Totara 10.4: HR import is not working

Irma Boks-Eek
Re: Totara 10.4: HR import is not working
بواسطة Wednesday, 7 March 2018, 2:44 AM - Irma Boks-Eek
مجموعة 2022 Learner of the Year (Silver)مجموعة Partnersمجموعة TXP Site Administratorمجموعة V18 Program Complete

Thanks for your response, it was also posted as a ticket and it is solved.

It did not work quickly because of too many test accounts that were made when I let the system make a test course..

The HR import took 6 hrs and removed almost 10.000 testusers I was not aware of.

Shorter lists worked without problems after that.