In our site built on Totara Learn 2.7, we use programs to track user progress. In an initial effort to update the program content (i.e. courses & activities), we created new courses in an updated version of the program for newer clients.
The above essentially amounts to older programs that use the old content for the initial clients. This older content can be described as courses with similar activities that have been repurposed, reorganized & in many cases broken up in an effort to more effectively group related courses in program course sets.
The Problem to Solve
We have a goal to update the older programs so that:
- Earlier clients can take the newer content
- The update is seamless to the user with regards to course AND activity completion
- The existing programs continue to be used to reduce administrative efforts (and reporting) related to Totara programs
Approaches Investigated
We have looked into the various out of the box tools in Totara, namely:
- Course completion import
- Course meta link
- Course completion based on other courses (Something akin to "equivalent courses")
- Course backup and restore
- Not an option for this update as separate courses already exist, not to mention scaling issues on courses containing SCORM content w/user attempt data
Regarding the above (sans course backup and restore), we have noticed the following pitfalls:
- Removing courses from programs removes the program enrollment from these courses
- Relying on course completion mechanisms only causes end user confusion if they enter the course to see none of the activities complete
- Users part way through larger courses expect to see equivalent activities marked as complete
Call to Arms
This may be a niche problem we've stumbled upon here, but any recommendations on existing (or plugin-able Moodle) tools or processes that could help would be greatly appreciated. Even relevant issues in the community that are similar in some ways could prove to be helpful.