Totara Learn Open Discussions

MSSQL 2016 for Totara 11

MSSQL 2016 for Totara 11
Boks-EekIrma 发表于 2018年03月12日 Monday 03:58
小组 2022 Learner of the Year (Silver)小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Hi there,

As I understood we need MSSQL 2016 for Totara 11 to work, are the older versions (10, 9, 2.9, 2.7 and 2.6) able to work on a server with MSSQL 2016? I'm not sure how/where to find this info, so I ask it here.

Thanks in advance!


Re: MSSQL 2016 for Totara 11
AngusGeorge 发表于 2018年03月15日 Thursday 18:38
小组 Totara

Hi Imra,

Totara 10 & 11 support MSSQL 2016.

2.9 and 9 would need thorough testing, older versions do not support it. 

