Totara Learn Open Discussions

Back Up of moodle course with F2F activity and restore to Totara with Seminars

Back Up of moodle course with F2F activity and restore to Totara with Seminars
?? 发表于 2018年03月13日 Tuesday 06:12

Does anyone have any experience of doing a back up of a course in Moodle (2.7) including a face to face activity with multiple sessions/events,  and then restoring it to a Totara Learn LMS (v9)?  

I would like to do this as a large number of sessions/events have been created in the moodle course and I need to move these to the course on the Totara Learn LMS.

Any advice or things to watch out for greatly appreciated.



Craig Eves
Re: Back Up of moodle course with F2F activity and restore to Totara with Seminars
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2018年03月13日 Tuesday 18:49
小组 Totara

Hi Bev

What is required here is to do a course backup in Moodle and then restore the course into a Totara 2.7 site - these systems are compatible. for the backup settings select the face to face activities and user data

Go into the Totara 2.7 site and restore the backed up course into a new course and check this looks Ok.

Upgrade the Totara 2.7 site to Totara 9 and the face to face activity should be upgraded to seminar activity with user data intact.
