Totara Learn Open Discussions

Has anyone any experience with upgrading to Totara 11?

Has anyone any experience with upgrading to Totara 11?
GrollmischAngela 发表于 2018年03月27日 Tuesday 07:05

Beforehand: We do meet the technical specifications. We did follow the instructions as published in the documentation to a certain step, where errors appear. We stuck here.


Is it absolutely required to have v9 installed before upgrading to Totara 11?

Anything to do in addition to what Totara describes? Sometimes a writer misses to document a step.

Any tipps, hints that worked best for you?

Did you encounter any errors related to xml parsing which prevents you from installing files?

Thanks a lot, Angela

Re: Has anyone any experience with upgrading to Totara 11?
HellewellNeil 发表于 2018年04月2日 Monday 20:57

Hi Angela

From what I have read - you do need to upgrade to ver 9.0 before upgrading again. We have had issues with most of our external plugins failing post upgrade which has been frustrating so best to test all plugins that are not Totara core really well.

Good luck !

Re: Has anyone any experience with upgrading to Totara 11?
GrollmischAngela 发表于 2018年04月4日 Wednesday 00:00

Thank you Neil.

We now know that it is absolutely required because the upgrade procedure stops with the message that it is not possible to upgrade to Totara 11 from versions prior to v9. We got this message on both the console and the application.

And, yes, our test procedure has a special topic for 3rd party plugins.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to our question.
