Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seeing who made reservations on an event

Sorcha stein
Seeing who made reservations on an event
de Sorcha stein - Wednesday, 4 de April de 2018, 14:49

Hi Totara team,

Is there any function apart from guessing using logs to see which manager has reserved a space on an event? Currently if you look at the attendees the space will just say "reserved" with no other information. If this function does not exist then it is definitely an improvement to consider.



Georgina Christodoulou
Re: Seeing who made reservations on an event
de Georgina Christodoulou - Wednesday, 4 de April de 2018, 17:17
Grupo PartnersGrupo TXP Site Administrator

Hi Sorcha,

In Totara 9.0+ (not sure about previous version as I can't remember if the functionality is there), you can create a report using the Seminar Sign-ups source.

If you include the column Actioned by you will then see who made the reservations.
