Totara Learn Open Discussions

Saved Searches

Steph Wild
Saved Searches
de Steph Wild - Tuesday, 17 de April de 2018, 06:27
Grupo Learn Site Administrator


I'm Site Administration on a Totara v2.9 site and we used saved searches on a lot of our reports.  I'm now trying to delete a saved search but can't as I didn't set it up.  How do I find out who created this search?

It would be useful if Site Administrators could 'manage' all saved searches on the system or at least identify who had set them up.

Many thanks

Craig Eves
Re: Saved Searches
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 17 de April de 2018, 16:24
Grupo Totara

Hi Steph

There has been a report source that was introduced in Totara 10 that was created to allow the management of user reports. The columns include number of saved searches but not who created the saved search.

There is also a feature request for management of searches

I had a look in the site logs but the saved search creation wasn't recorded there unfortunately.
