Totara Learn Open Discussions

Program Setting

Issa Ramadhani
Program Setting
بواسطة Thursday, 3 May 2018, 7:51 AM - Issa Ramadhani

Hi Team,

I have created a program in my totara,

But there some information i do not understand,

See image below,

But also at what time does a learner will be notified when they enrolled to the program,

Please assist,

Best Regards.

Craig Eves
Re: Program Setting
بواسطة Sunday, 6 May 2018, 4:42 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Issa

The message in the program assignment is showing that there are some users with exceptions. This means that the user's completion date calculation has not been able to be calculated.

The exceptions can be fixed using bulk Actions as described here

The users should be notified with the program notification message as soon as they are enrolled in the program.  Users with the exception messages aren't enrolled in the program until the exception has been fixed so they won't receive the program notification message until then.
