Totara Learn Open Discussions

How to pull through course completion duration in a report?

? ?
How to pull through course completion duration in a report?
door ? ? - Friday, 18 May 2018, 04:45 AM


I am trying to create a report on a course which includes the duration it has taken for a colleague to complete, i.e. '45 minutes 10 seconds'.

At present, the only way I am able to view this information is by accessing colleague data individually through the Activity Report and clicking on their attempt.

I cannot find an option to export this into a spread sheet to pull through all of the colleagues data though? If I pull a report from this section, it will show me when they started the course and when they last accessed the course, but I am ideally looking for the report to provide a column with how many minutes it took them to complete (as demonstrated above) so that I can calculate the average amount of time it is taking colleagues to complete a course.

I hope the above makes sense but any advice on this would be very much appreciated, thank you.

Craig Eves
Re: How to pull through course completion duration in a report?
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 20 May 2018, 17:14 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Katherine

Totara has a  'Site logs' report  available under the report builder that records access by users. This can be filtered and exported to a spreadsheet to show access at an user activity level. 

This records the time of the action rather than the duration - so would have to assume that the user was working on the activity until the next action in the log occured for the user. 

If it is just course completion duration then in version 10 there were two columns added to the Course completion report 

  • time to complete (since start date)
  • time to complete (since enrolment date) 

that can be added to show this information. 

The problem with these values is that it is only showing the time the user has accessed content not whether they are actually working on it.
