Totara Learn Open Discussions

Cloning an event

Cloning an event
?? 发表于 2018年06月3日 Sunday 19:06
Hi,  I am new to Totara....  I am creating  a seminar & adding events; however, I want to clone an event; can anyone tell me how?  I have viewed the training video but the specific instruction is absent :(
Craig Eves
Re: Cloning an event
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2018年06月4日 Monday 18:53
小组 Totara

Hi Kerry

There should be a clone icon showing when you view the seminar as an admin.

If there isn't one then you will need to upgrade to a later version of Totara. Seminars were modified extensively in version 9 of Totara.
