Totara Learn Open Discussions

Manual/Self Completion Checkbox

Manual/Self Completion Checkbox
ZelinskayaMarina 发表于 2018年06月6日 Wednesday 12:42


We've had several users who have reported that they could not see the self-completion checkbox (so that they can manually complete themselves for an activity).  It's only happened with a small percentage of users so far.   We did notice that more often then not, this is happening in the IE browser.

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?  Have you been able to figure out what is causing it?  And how to fix it?

Thank you,

Marina Zelinskaya

Re: Manual/Self Completion Checkbox
IrelandTom 发表于 2018年06月7日 Thursday 00:17
小组 Totara
Hi, Marina

It's worth submitting a helpdesk ticket for this particular issue. It doesn't sound quite right and we'd like to investigate further.


Tom, Totara Support