Totara Learn Open Discussions

HR Import Issue - Force PW Reset Not Sticking

John Unnever
HR Import Issue - Force PW Reset Not Sticking
de John Unnever - Monday, 9 de July de 2018, 05:58
Grupo Partners

We have force password change for new users set to "no" but after the new user accounts are created by the HR Import, the accounts are still  set to "yes".   We are on Totara 11.2..  any ideas what might be causing this behavior? 

Re: HR Import Issue - Force PW Reset Not Sticking
de George Angus - Monday, 9 de July de 2018, 19:24
Grupo Totara

Hi John,

What do you have in the user element settings for Only import new users' passwords & Force password change for new users?

I take it you read 'Note: Users with generated passwords will be forced to change them on first login regardless of this configuration option'?



John Unnever
Re: HR Import Issue - Force PW Reset Not Sticking
de John Unnever - Tuesday, 10 de July de 2018, 12:22
Grupo Partners

Current setup is.

Yes -  only import new users' passwords

No -  force password change for new users

We would like force password change off for new user accounts even if it is generating an a password.

Re: HR Import Issue - Force PW Reset Not Sticking
de George Angus - Wednesday, 11 de July de 2018, 21:11
Grupo Totara

Hi John,

This is hard-coded, its a security precaution. We don't recommend changing the behaviour.

If the password is generated by Totara users must change it on first login.

