Totara Learn Open Discussions

Totarasync column in mdl_user table

John Unnever
Totarasync column in mdl_user table
von John Unnever – Friday, 17 August 2018, 5:34 AM
Gruppe Partners
Hello, We have some customers that have their account created via SSO using the saml plugin.    Is there a way ensure control over the value of the totarasync value for accounts created via SSO / saml plugin?  We would like this value to always be set so that accounts will by default use the HR Import feature moving forward after creation.    Our situation is that sometimes new users don't have accounts in our system that feeds the HR Import but we want to allow them to create their account via SSO/Saml and then once they are populated in our system that feeds HR Import, it will take over management of the account.
Craig Eves
Re: Totarasync column in mdl_user table
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Tuesday, 21 August 2018, 5:51 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi John

For the user to be actioned by HR import they need the value of the HR Import field to be Yes

This can be done using Bulk actions under Users > Accounts > Bulk User actions and setting the filter to Authentication method is SAML (and HR import is equal to No possibly).

Then under actions select Toggle HR Import so all the users with SAML authentication method have HR Import set to Yes. Then the HR import files can be used to change the user details  - including the authentication method using HR Import.

Let me know how this goes using a test user as I haven't tested this - I can't thin k of a way to do this directly.
