Totara Learn Open Discussions

Log in as restriction in Appraisal TL-18862

? ?
Log in as restriction in Appraisal TL-18862
de ? ? - Thursday, 30 de August de 2018, 09:05

Is there an ability to restrict log in as for completing a stage in an appraisal?

(Edited by Michael Ball - original submission Thursday, 30 August 2018, 9:05 AM)

? ?
Re: Log in as restriction in Appraisal
de ? ? - Thursday, 30 de August de 2018, 14:30

HI Rose, 

There is currently no restriction on login for completing a stage in an appraisal. Can you tell me more about your workflow so we can have an idea of what you're looking to do?


? ?
Re: Log in as restriction in Appraisal
de ? ? - Thursday, 6 de September de 2018, 11:21
Currently Totara does  not store user information for the individual that completes a component of an appraisal stage.  In an instance where an individual uses the log in as function they can complete an appraisal as a manager and in Totara it will appear as if the manager completed the appraisal not the individual that used the log in function.
Ian Wallbridge
Re: Log in as restriction in Appraisal
de Ian Wallbridge - Friday, 7 de September de 2018, 07:42

Hi Rose,

I'd absolutely support this change, and - given that site logs clearly identify the difference between a learner and a user logged in as that learner - this should be a relatively easy fix.

To go one step further, I'd really appreciate a change to the LIA functionality so that absolutely nothing can be completed on the users behalf. In our organisation, regional teams would definitely be able to use LIA as a customer service tool to support end users, but whilst it includes any form of learning completion, I'm reluctant to take that step.

I believe that LIA was originally intended as a developers tool for testing functionality, but this can always be achieved with dummy accounts.



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