Totara Learn Open Discussions

Audit Trail

Wendy Leversuch
Audit Trail
de Wendy Leversuch - Monday, 3 de September de 2018, 04:36


I'd like to be able to access some basic audit trails, for example tracking to see who suspended a users account and when.

Is this possible, I'm working on that its a report built form the site logs, but hoping someone has already needed this type of report so I don't do a lot of trial and error building the report myself!

Many thanks,


Craig Eves
Re: Audit Trail
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 3 de September de 2018, 13:55
Grupo Totara
Hi Wendy

The Site Logs Report source will provide this information.

The columns required include 

  • User's Fullname - the person who suspended the user
  • User's Fullname (Related user)  - the person suspended
  • Event Name - use this as a filter column and filter for the Event Class Name of User suspended


Wendy Leversuch
Re: Audit Trail
de Wendy Leversuch - Tuesday, 4 de September de 2018, 01:10

Fab! thanks Craig.