Totara Learn Open Discussions

Restricting role permissions to specific categories

Ian Wallbridge
Restricting role permissions to specific categories
di Ian Wallbridge - Friday, 7 September 2018, 08:35

Hi all,

A number of different teams in our organisation have responsibility for building course content, and it's likely that this will increase as we tap into other subject matter experts.

With this in mind, I've created categories that align with those teams, and what I'm now trying to do is create a new role - 'content creator' - which I can apply at category level. To start with I combined the permission settings from Creator and Editing Trainer, and up to a point this works really well. Individuals in those teams can edit all courses within their allocated category, irrespective of who in the team created them, yet they do not have similar access to any content in other categories.

Where it all goes a bit pear shaped is that the Find Learning option doesn't return any results at site level, and although there is access to the Attendees link in seminars, this again doesn't return any results.

Our partner advises that this is all to do with audience-based visibility, and that a side wide role would be a better approach. Their advice to date has always been immaculate, but before I set off down this route, does anyone else have an alternative suggestion as to how I can ring fence creating/editing permissions by category?

Thanks so much,


Craig Eves
Re: Restricting role permissions to specific categories
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 9 September 2018, 19:30
Gruppo Totara

Hi Ian

I tried applying a course creator type role to a category to allow creation of courses for selected categories and then went into the course catalog and all courses were visible.

Audience visibility does affect what appears in the course catalog. It sounds like you have an audience included in audience visibility setting that the course creator isn't part of.

Is it possible to add these course creators as members of the audience visibility audience? Your partner may have a reason for setting up the audience visibility the way it is.
